Issue - meetings

Housing Strategy

Meeting: 24/11/2010 - Economy and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 65)

65 Draft Housing Strategy and Update on the Consultation Process pdf icon PDF 93 KB

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The Head of Housing and Regeneration presented a report comprising an overview of the draft Housing Strategy 2011 – 2026, and update on the process and progress of the first phase of the consultation programme which was currently underway and due to finish on 10th December, 2010.


Following a review of the achievements of the current Housing Strategy officers had drafted a new long term strategy for Wirral, which would run up to 2026.  The vision for Wirral's Housing Strategy was to create sustainable communities across the whole of the Borough, in which people would choose to live and stay. Four key strategic priorities of 'Delivering Urban Renaissance', 'Providing Affordable Homes to Maintain Balanced Communities', 'Delivering Decent Homes in Thriving Neighbourhoods', and 'Meeting the Needs of Communities and Providing Support for Those who need It', were seen as fundamental to achieving the vision of the Strategy.


To ensure that the Strategy and in particular the Action Plan remained relevant and responsive to the changing environment, an extensive consultation exercise was being undertaken with key stakeholders, including communities across Wirral to ‘reality check’ the Strategy priorities and to identify any emerging local housing related issues.  The majority of those consulted, supported both the vision and the strategic priorities and felt that these addressed all of their housing and related issues.  In particular residents identified improving the housing offer, increasing the supply of homes and building more affordable housing as the key housing issues for Wirral which needed to be addressed.  All of these priorities were currently included in the existing Strategy and Action Plan. 


It was proposed that a two stage consultation programme be undertaken, with stage one specifically testing the draft strategy and gaining views on all of the key issues which would inform housing policies and initiatives for the future.  This part of the consultation process commenced in October would finish on 10th December 2010. When the responses had been collated, officers would start to develop the Strategy further along with a supporting Housing Investment Plan.  A further consultation stage would then take place on the Housing Investment Plan which would be used and monitored to respond to annual budgets and funding regimes such as the Comprehensive Spending Review.  The final draft Housing Strategy 2011 – 2026 and supporting Housing Investment Plan, would be reported back to Members early 2011, ready for implementation from 1st April 2011.


There was a discussion higlighting the need for initiatives to bring empty properties back into the market, the response to affordability which could include a person’s ability to rent a home, and ways of supporting the letting sector.   


Resolved –


(1)  That the report be noted.  


(2) That a further report on the outcome of the consultation and the final draft Housing Strategy 2011 – 2026 be brought back to the January meeting of this committee.