Issue - meetings

Corporate Plan - Performance Reporting

Meeting: 12/07/2011 - Council Excellence Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 6)

6 Corporate Plan - Performance Reporting pdf icon PDF 91 KB


The Chief Executive reported that at its meeting held on 14 April 2011 (minute 379 refers), the Cabinet approved a report setting out the arrangements for governance, delivery and monitoring of the Corporate Plan, and an outline of proposed structure for the quarterly reports. The report set out in more detail the planned, strengthened approach to delivering the Corporate Plan with a robust structure to manage performance and delivery and he commented that the approach was intended to ensure that the new Corporate Plan was the key driver for departmental activity and managing performance.


Responding to comments from Members, the Interim Head of Corporate Planning, Engagement and Communications stated that she would be happy to circulate performance indicators to Members and that she was looking at ways in which performance information could be displayed in the Town Hall.


The Chair referred to the need to see performance reports regularly and the possibility of them being emailed to Members once they were in the web library.


In respect of governance, the Director of Finance commented that the Audit and Risk Management Committee was the responsible committee for that area.


Resolved –


(1)  That the detail of the proposed approach for reporting and managing performance against the 2011/2014 Corporate Plan targets be noted, including –


  • Reporting Structure
  • Planned arrangements to ensure progress against the Corporate Plan is subject to continuous review by officers to ensure effective reporting to Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Committees
  • Supporting Performance Systems


(2)  That the officers be thanked for the report and the Committee looks forward to receiving further information.