Issue - meetings

Budget Monitoring 2023-24 Quarter 3

Meeting: 23/01/2024 - Wirral Schools Forum (Item 59)

59 Budget Monitoring 2023-24 Quarter 3 pdf icon PDF 567 KB


Asako Brown, Finance Manager, presented a report that provided an overview of the anticipated variations for the current year 2023-24 schools budget. The report noted that the overall the schools budget was forecast to overspend by £5.214m which was mainly due to pressure in the High Needs Block. This reflected a slight increase in the overspend from the position of £4.978m reported at the September 2023 meeting. The 2022-23 financial year closed with a Dedicated Schools Grant reserve cumulative deficit position of £4.763m. The current forecast outturn position meant that the year-end addition to reserve balance would be increased to £5.214m thus delivering a cumulative £9.977m deficit position at the end of 2023-24.


Members noted that the report showed a challenging set of figures for schools. Officers explained that one of the key increases was the increased number of Education, Health and Care Plans which had increased by approximately 23% over the previous year. They went on to explain that Wirral was seeing slightly higher increases than the national picture, however, Wirral’s cost base was slightly better controlled and the increase in cost was likely to be a little lower than the national picture.


Resolved – That the report and forecast financial position of the Schools Budget for 2023-24 be noted.