Agenda item



Proposed by Councillor Chris Meaden

Seconded by Councillor Phil Davies


(1)  Council condemns the introduction by the Conservative/Liberal Democrat Coalition Government of Free Schools, without any consideration for the impact these will have on existing schools and educational standards for all children.


(2)  Council notes that there has been no consideration of:


·  The impact of creating an additional new school or schools at a time when other schools are being closed down because of falling pupil numbers and the cost of maintaining surplus places.

·  The potential for increasing social divisiveness and unfairness in the system as Free Schools choose the pupils they want without any Local Authority control on how pupils are chosen or admitted.

·  The danger that appropriate provisions made for children with special needs may be put at risk.

·  The impact on already complex school admissions and exclusions policies.

·  The possibility of lower educational standards as several Free Schools already established have confirmed they will not limit their appointments to qualified teachers.

·  The possibility of driving all educational standards down as money is distributed more thinly to remaining schools.


(3)  Council believes that the creation of Free Schools is a badly thought out, politically motivated decision which can only waste scarce resources and flies in the face of the real need, which is to provide good local schools, accessible to all.


Amendment submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7(2)


Proposed by Councillor Sheila Clarke

Seconded by Councillor Paul Hayes


Replace all after “(1) Council condemns the” with


“failure by the previous Government to close the inequality gap between children’s achievement in the most deprived and most prosperous communities and believes that the Coalition Government is right to seek to give all children the opportunities to achieve their full potential.


Council believes that most students in Wirral, and their parents and carers, are satisfied with the performance of their chosen schools but welcomes the option of free schools for those parents who are not.


Council welcomes the pledge by the Coalition Government to narrow the gap by the introduction of a Pupil Premium for those children from deprived backgrounds, who Council believes have the right to as good a standard of education as any other.


Agrees with Labour’s most successful-ever Leader, Tony Blair, that to deny parental choice is ‘a gross, unbelievable social injustice”.


The amendment was put and lost (24:37:1)


The motion was put and carried (37:24:1)


Resolved (37:24:1) – That


(1) Council condemns the introduction by the Conservative/Liberal Democrat Coalition Government of Free Schools, without any consideration for the impact these will have on existing schools and educational standards for all children.


(2)  Council notes that there has been no consideration of:


·  The impact of creating an additional new school or schools at a time when other schools are being closed down because of falling pupil numbers and the cost of maintaining surplus places.

·  The potential for increasing social divisiveness and unfairness in the system as Free Schools choose the pupils they want without any Local Authority control on how pupils are chosen or admitted.

·  The danger that appropriate provisions made for children with special needs may be put at risk.

·  The impact on already complex school admissions and exclusions policies.

·  The possibility of lower educational standards as several Free Schools already established have confirmed they will not limit their appointments to qualified teachers.

·  The possibility of driving all educational standards down as money is distributed more thinly to remaining schools.


(3)  Council believes that the creation of Free Schools is a badly thought out, politically motivated decision which can only waste scarce resources and flies in the face of the real need, which is to provide good local schools, accessible to all.