Agenda item

Partner Updates



Proposed use of TA barracks at Chetwynd:  [Andy Groome].  We are building seven new fire stations on Merseyside – the one in Birkenhead will be starting this year.

The original proposal was to operate from a temporary fire station on site.  Instead there was a major publicity exercise and consultation with local residents in Wexford Road and a distance beyond, and with local ward councillors, on a proposal to temporarily relocate the fire station to the TA Barracks in Wexford Road. 

The proposal is to locate the operational appliances and nine staff to Chetwynd House for 13 months whilst the Exmouth Street building is demolished and replaced with a smaller building.

An analysis of response times indicated that all the areas covered can be reached within a response time of five minutes; the only noticeable impact was in parts of the Rock Ferry area.  After extensive consideration, it was decided that the best access point would be to Bidston Road.  The plans are on the website. 

Cllr Doughty stated that he lives in Village Road in Oxton, a short distance away from the TA barracks, and he was not aware of the fire station.  He suggested that a wider consultation would have been more useful; people in Oxton are affected.

Mr Dowling stated that from the presentation and discussion, he wouldn’t be able to say exactly where things are on the matter of the fire station at Chetwynd.  He asked, ‘Has it been decided in principle that it will go ahead, or is it still under discussion?’  He also commented on the volume of traffic on Bidston Road, and if appliances exit from Chetwynd on to Bidston Road, the parking going towards St Saviour’s Church and on both sides of Berisford Road would make access impossible for emergency vehicles.

The Chair replied that the planning application is still in the consultation stage and has not yet been determined.  All the issues were raised at the public meetings and there will be a further meeting.



Public Enquiry Offices at Police Stations:  Following publicity in the local press, only two Police Stations – Birkenhead and Wallasey – are now open to the public.  Birkenhead Police Station is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Wallasey Police Station is open on Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 10 pm.  The public can contact the Police for emergency purposes using the national number – 101.  Although the remaining stations are closed to the public, Police Officers will continue to work out of those stations. 

Cannabis cultivation:  Plant pots and gardening equipment recovered from cannabis cultivation have been donated to Woodchurch High School for use in the school’s garden area.  Donations of unwanted garden equipment would be welcome and can be put to use.

There have been a series of armed robberies in Wirral, mainly at off-licences premises during the evening.  Stills from CCTV tapes will be circulated this week in an effort to track down the offenders.

MERSEYSIDE FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE [Paul Murphy]:  There have been eleven Accidental dwelling fires in ten months.  The programme of providing free smoke alarms has continued with 1100 inspections in ten months.  There were five Deliberate secondary fires in Oxton and Prenton.  Successful partnership work with agencies resulted in a quieter bonfire night in 2011. The fire service attended six serious road traffic incidents in Oxton and Prenton.


Dog Fouling.  Last year, the Council funded five designated dog fouling officers.  Since January, 70 people have been issued with fixed penalty fine notices of £50, and all have paid the fine without recourse to the Court.  Dog fouling should be reported to the Community Safety Team or the Area Co-ordinator.

Frequent requests are made at area forum meetings for more CCTV in parks and open spaces, but there is a need to respect people’s privacy.  Patrols are issued with body-worn video recording equipment which can be used to make a DVD which is given to the Police and can be used as evidence for a prosecution.

Now the weather is improving people are leaving windows open and not using lift and lock mechanisms to secure doors; and this allows opportunist crime.  Jim Thompson can be contacted by email at and he will provide free shed alarms and home safety advice.


A member of the public asked when the Anna Klonowski report would be available to the public.

The Chair replied that an appendix has recently been issued that identifies councillors, officers, staff and service providers mentioned in the report. The only names that remain redacted are those who gave evidence on the understanding that their names would not be released.

Councillor Williams stated that the only recourse is to have a public inquiry and discussions are on going with the Government on whether that can be done.

A member of the public asked a question in relation to the fire station relocation on whether the Birkenhead School have been consulted, given heavy parking and children coming and going from cars at certain times.

The Fire Officer advised that there is a meeting with Birkenhead School on Friday to discuss issues raised at the consultation.  It’s about having a protocol and procedure in place that would mitigate the impact of the issues raised.

An objection was raised to information shared by Matthew Patrick about a forthcoming consultative meeting with a local MP because it had a political bias.