Agenda item



Martin McEwan, Director of Communications & Engagement, NHS Cheshire, Warrington and Wirral provided a written report updating on Vascular Services in Cheshire and Merseyside.


The report indicated that the Boards of both NHS Merseyside and NHS Cheshire Warrington and Wirral had approved the final decisions on the Vascular Services Review.


The Boards each agreed the following decisions:


·  that there should be 2 Arterial Centres for Cheshire and Merseyside


·  that the North Merseyside centre should be based at the Royal Liverpool Hospital


·  that the South Merseyside centre should be based at the Countess of Chester Hospital


·  that for those patients in mid-Mersey who would previously have been referred initially into Whiston Hospital, there would be options to be referred to either centre.


The report indicated that the North Mersey network would be implemented from 3 September at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. The South Mersey network was preparing for implementation on 1 April 2013, with the arterial centre based at the Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. In this context a copy of a recent letter from the Chief Executive of Wirral Hospital Trust detailing progress on local discussions was attached for information at Appendix A.


The report further indicated that the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee of Warrington, Halton & St Helens, and also Wirral Council intended to refer the decision relating to the location of the South Mersey network to the Secretary of State for Health; should a referral take place, the Secretary of State had the power to decide whether to accept the decision or require it to be reconsidered. It was possible that the Secretary of State may refer such a decision to an Independent Reconfiguration Panel for review, and for their advice on his decision.


Copies of the letter from the Chief Executive of Wirral Hospital Trust; Equality and the burden of vascular disease across the Cheshire Clinical Network (in place of Equality Impact Toolkit); and Addendum Equality and the burden of vascular disease across the Cheshire Clinical Network documents were appended to the report.


Mr David Allison, Chief Executive Wirral University Teaching Hospital indicated that he was working alongside Chief Executives, Managing Directors and Clinical Vascular Clinicians to balance the needs of patients and the need for improved services; providing better patient outcomes whilst maintaining the hospitals high level of patient care on the Wirral.

It was indicated that the original proposal would have meant all services being moved to Chester, this had now been revised meaning more services made available at Arrowe Park Hospital; a compromise greatly benefiting Wirral patients.


It was indicated that Chester Hospital would be responsible for both aneurysm and carotic surgical patients, with one of the sites to be identified to undertake the out of hours work. Responding to Members queries and indicated that arrangements in relation to staffing and the out of hours services was still on-and formed part of the consultation process.


In response to Members, it was indicated that the Board Members were aware of the strong opposition to the proposals but difficult decisions had to be made on behalf of the whole of Merseyside, which the Board acknowledge was not going to be thoroughly welcomed in Wirral and Warrington. Mr Allison indicated that there was no doubt that evidence was there that a better service could be provided through two arterial centres for Cheshire and Merseyside.


Resolved – That Mr M McEwan be thanked for his informative report.































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