Agenda item

ICT Strategy


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Finance informing of the progress made on implementing the ICT Strategy as presented to Cabinet on 13 October 2011. The strategy focused on the key areas that linked it to other significant strategies, both internal and external. These included the influences exerted by the office rationalisation programme, and agile working initiatives; improvement of services to Members, reduction of the use in paper in the Committee processes, plus the Government's ICT Strategy. The report outlined the potential benefits that may be derived from these strategies.


The ICT Strategy promoted the Council's corporate priorities in that ICT underpinned service delivery in most areas and was an enabler in the realisation of benefits associated with most corporate initiatives. Implementation of the Strategy would assist in cost savings as ICT supported the changes its business processes and working practices to take best advantage of the available technology. The Council did not have a statutory duty to deliver ICT services.


Geoff Patterson, Head of IT Services indicated that there was a lot of duplication in relation to document management within the Council, there was scope to rationalise these systems, this would not save money for the Council but would reduce the amount of IT support needed.


In relation to recovery data centres, Mr Patterson indicated that the Council currently had two data centres which serve as a back up to each centre; through office rationalisation plans were being introduced to relocate the centres across the Borough to separate the two centres.


Members asked about the current testing on-going with the pilot scheme in relation to mobile working and asked if work could be done with the firewall to enable network access from own devices. In response, Mr Patterson indicated that this could be done by adding an extra layer to the network this wouldn’t connect personal devices but would enable access via mobile phones. At present Members and staff are able to access their emails from home computers or laptops via the use of a council key fob. Due regard was need to be given to the security of information.


In relation to the business case it was explained that this contained the details of outcomes, associated costs, and benefits, return of investment and improvements and savings. The business case justifies why IT is being implemented.


Mr Patterson answered questions from Members in relation to budget projections, use of data systems and Microsoft Office and virtualised hardware.


It was suggested and agreed that a Working Party to include Councillors Williams, Gilchrist and Whittingham and Mr Patterson be set up to look at the IT infrastructure and best practice and agree a terms of reference ensuring  that the working party did not infringe on the work of Members Equipment Steering Group.


Resolved – That


(1)  the report updating on the IT Strategy be noted; and


(2)  the Head of IT be requested to set up a Working Party to include Councillors Williams, Gilchrist and Whittingham to look at the IT infrastructure and best practice and agree a terms of reference to ensuring that the working party did not infringe on the work of Members Equipment Steering Group.








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