Agenda item

Health and Social Care Integration. The Better Care Fund 2014 Submission and Section 256 Outputs for 2013

The Board are asked to consider the draft submission of the Better Care Fund 2014.




Chief Clinical Officer, CCG updating on the Better Care Fund (BCF) submission which had been collated on behalf of Wirral Council and Wirral Commissioning Group.


The report detailed information relating to the former arrangements for section 256 transfer for social care in the form of an outputs report; in relation to performance a baseline assessment which had been developed along with a new performance dashboard template, which had been developed in order to monitor progress against key areas of activity that were critical to performance related elements of the Better Care Fund from 2015.


Mr Graham Hodkinson, Director of Adult Social Services introduced the report which contained the first draft submission of the BCF, the final draft will be circulated to the next Health and Wellbeing Board meeting in late March 2014 for sign off.


The financial dashboard information and the performance matrix was circulated at the meeting.


Dr Abhi Mantgani indicated that the Commissioning Board would oversee the budget and reiterated that resources were not new money but was money currently used to fund health services. He further indicated that funding would be lost if the targets set were not achieved.


Ms Jacqui Evans, Head of Transformation, Department of Adult Social Care indicated that the Department were working alongside the CCG on the draft submission, the second draft would be considered by the Board prior to final submission.


A lot of work was to undertaken in 2015 on the pooled budgets rolling forward to 20014/15 and 2015/16.


In relation to financial monitoring, a scorecard would be produced and regular report to the Board will be produced. In relation to the pooled arrangements there was a 50/50 risk share not just for the BCF but for other funding streams.


Ms Sarah Quinn, Commissioning Manager, NHS Wirral CCG indicated that the seven day service provision was a national condition of the BCF , the second submission will give further detail of the financing of the these schemes.


Mr Allison, Chief Executive, Wirral University Teaching Hospital indicated that In relation to hospital admissions, the Government had indicated that there was to be a 15% reduction in hospital admissions and 20% effectiveness gain in planned (elective) admissions. Mr Allison indicated that services needed to work together to see how this could be achieved whilst providing excellent patient care.


Dr Mantgani indicated that whilst there will be a reduction, some interventions could be dealt with elsewhere, there was a need to drive down A&E activity in order to meet the national trend.


In response, Mr Allison indicated that it would prove very difficult to reduce the budget for the A&E Department due to the level of ongoing demand and the overhead cost of the Department.


Mr Phil Jennings, CCG indicated that A&E people could be better supported locally rather than through admissions.


It was commented that there needed to be a clear understanding of each of the schemes that will help to reduce hospital admittances and what other services were available, so the Health and Wellbeing Board could be reassured that the chosen schemes would not have impacts elsewhere. In response, Ms Quinn indicated that work was ongoing which provided such assurances.


In relation to the governance arrangements, Mr Hodkinson indicated that the Strategic Commissioning Group had an important oversight role reporting any exceptions to the Health and Wellbeing Board.


Further to comments made regarding inequality and health outcomes, Ms Evans indicated that these will be highlighted within the second draft submission. Mr Hodkinson in response indicated that a cohesive approach to early intervention and prevention was critical to the business of the Health and wellbeing Board.


The Board suggested and agreed that a special meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board be held to consider the second draft of the submission, prior to final submission to the CCG.




(1)  the first draft of the Better Care Fund (BCF) Submission be noted; and


(2)  a Special meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board be held to consider the second draft of the BCF submission.

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