Agenda item


To consider and determine any references from the Policy and Performance Committees.


A.  The Council is advised that the Notice of Motion, ‘Mersey Tunnel Tolls’, referred from Council at its meeting on 10 March, 2014 (minute 98 refers) was considered by the Regeneration and Environment Policy and Performance Committee at its meeting on 9 April, 2014 (minute 45 is attached).


In accordance with Standing Order 7 (5) the Council is asked to consider the following recommendation of the Regeneration and Environment Policy and Performance Committee:


“Resolved (10:5) –


(1)  That this Committee regrets the attempt to politicise the issue by the wording within the Notice of Motion, rather than stimulate serious debate. It also regrets that it fails to recognise the burden of high, unregulated bus and train fares on Wirral residents, wherever they travel.


(2)  Committee notes that Wirral has benefitted greatly from the freezing of the Merseytravel levy and a direct grant of £3.3m to help offset cuts in Highways Budgets.


(3)  Committee notes that putting the burden of tunnel tolls directly on the Council Tax would penalise all Wirral residents including non-car owners and would be unachievable. However, we recognise the issue and impact of tunnel tolls, particularly in Wirral and agree –


(i)  That we should support a campaign to move the funding of the tunnel crossing back to the National Highways Network, particularly in the light of the A14 ruling.


(ii)  That the Fast-Tag scheme should be encouraged and promoted through all Wirral Council media and outlets.


(iii)  That we should encourage local, flexible schemes that could assist Wirral residents in reducing costs.


(iv)  That, whatever the outcome, safety and efficiency of the tunnel operation should not be put at risk.


(v)  That Wirral will support the Merseytravel campaign to reduce excessive bus and train fares.”


B.  The Council is advised that the Notice of Motion, ‘NO to Nuisance Calls’, referred from Council at its meeting on 10 March, 2014 (minute 98 refers) was considered by the Regeneration and Environment Policy and Performance Committee at its meeting on 9 April, 2014 (minute 46 is attached).


In accordance with Standing Order 7 (5) the Council is asked to consider the following recommendation of the Regeneration and Environment Policy and Performance Committee:


“Resolved –


(1)  That the ‘No to Nuisance Calls’ campaign be supported, and appropriate steps be taken to promote the campaign via the Trading Standards service and through publicity in libraries and other public buildings.


(2)  That the report of the Trading Standards Strategic Manager be noted.


(3)  That the proposal of the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment to promote cross Departmental working be supported.


(4)  That the Committee to be appointed for 2014/2015 be asked to consider how best to address the problem.


(5)  That the Cabinet be requested to write to local MPs, encouraging them to support the Private Members’ Communications (Unsolicited Telephone Calls and Texts) Bill.”


The Cabinet, at its meeting on 19 June, 2014 (minute 17 refers) resolved:


“That a letter be sent to local MPs, encouraging them to support the Private Members’ Communications (Unsolicited Telephone Calls and Texts) Bill.”


C.  The Council is advised that the Notice of Motion, ‘Labour’s Effective Stewardship’, referred from Council at its meeting on 10 March, 2014 (minute 98 refers) was considered by the Policy and Performance Coordinating Committee at its meeting on 1 April, 2014 (minute 48 is attached).


In accordance with Standing Order 7 (5) the Council is asked to consider the following recommendation of the Policy and Performance Coordinating Committee:




That the Motion set out above be noted.”


[The motion read as follows:

Council congratulates the Labour Administration on its prudent financial management of the Council which has enabled Council Tax to be frozen for the next 2 years.


At the same time, Labour has delivered a new house-building programme, help for the unemployed through the Reachout Programme and financial assistance for community groups under the ‘Love Wirral’ initiative together with many other progressive policies.


This has been achieved despite the Government’s draconian cuts to Wirral’s budget.]


A.  At the meeting of the Council held on 10 March 2014 (minute 98 refers) the Mayor had referred a Notice of Motion, ‘Mersey Tunnel Tolls’, to the Regeneration and Environment Policy and Performance Committee. The motion was duly considered at the meeting of the Committee on 9 April, 2014 (minute 45 refers).


In accordance with Standing Order 7 (5) the Council was invited to consider the recommendation of the Regeneration and Environment Policy and Performance Committee which advised that -


(1)  That this Committee regrets the attempt to politicise the issue by the wording within the Notice of Motion, rather than stimulate serious debate. It also regrets that it fails to recognise the burden of high, unregulated bus and train fares on Wirral residents, wherever they travel.


(2)  Committee notes that Wirral has benefitted greatly from the freezing of the Merseytravel levy and a direct grant of £3.3m to help offset cuts in Highways Budgets.


(3)  Committee notes that putting the burden of tunnel tolls directly on the Council Tax would penalise all Wirral residents including non-car owners and would be unachievable. However, we recognise the issue and impact of tunnel tolls, particularly in Wirral and agree –


(i).  That we should support a campaign to move the funding of the tunnel crossing back to the National Highways Network, particularly in the light of the A14 ruling.


(ii).  That the Fast-Tag scheme should be encouraged and promoted through all Wirral Council media and outlets.


(iii).That we should encourage local, flexible schemes that could assist Wirral residents in reducing costs.


(iv).That, whatever the outcome, safety and efficiency of the tunnel operation should not be put at risk.


(v).  That Wirral will support the Merseytravel campaign to reduce excessive bus and train fares.


B.  At the meeting of the Council held on 10 March 2014 (minute 98 refers) the Mayor had referred a Notice of Motion, ‘NO to Nuisance Calls’, to the Regeneration and Environment Policy and Performance Committee. The motion was duly considered at the meeting of the Committee on 9 April, 2014 (minute 46 refers).


In accordance with Standing Order 7 (5) the Council was invited to consider the recommendation of the Regeneration and Environment Policy and Performance Committee, which advised -


(1)  That the ‘No to Nuisance Calls’ campaign be supported, and appropriate steps be taken to promote the campaign via the Trading Standards service and through publicity in libraries and other public buildings.


(2)  That the report of the Trading Standards Strategic Manager be noted.


(3)  That the proposal of the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment to promote cross Departmental working be supported.


(4)  That the Committee to be appointed for 2014/2015 be asked to consider how best to address the problem.


(5)  That the Cabinet be requested to write to local MPs, encouraging them to support the Private Members’ Communications (Unsolicited Telephone Calls and Texts) Bill.”


The Cabinet, had subsequently resolved, at its meeting on 19 June, 2014 (minute 17 refers), “That a letter be sent to local MPs, encouraging them to support the Private Members’ Communications (Unsolicited Telephone Calls and Texts) Bill.”


C.  At the meeting of the Council held on 10 March 2014 (minute 98 refers) the Mayor had referred a Notice of Motion, ‘Labour’s Effective Stewardship’, to the Policy and Performance Coordinating Committee. The motion was duly considered at the meeting of the Committee on 1 April, 2014 (minute 48 refers).


In accordance with Standing Order 7 (5) the Council was invited to consider the recommendation of the Policy and Performance Coordinating Committee which advised that the Motion be noted.


[The motion read as follows:

Council congratulates the Labour Administration on its prudent financial management of the Council which has enabled Council Tax to be frozen for the next 2 years.


At the same time, Labour has delivered a new house-building programme, help for the unemployed through the Reachout Programme and financial assistance for community groups under the ‘Love Wirral’ initiative together with many other progressive policies.


This has been achieved despite the Government’s draconian cuts to Wirral’s budget.]


On motions by Councillor Mike Sullivan in respect of A and B and a motion by Councillor Ann McLachlan, all seconded by Councillor Phil Davies, it was -


Resolved –


(1)  That the recommendation of the Regeneration and Environment Policy and Performance Committee in relation to the Notice of Motion, ‘Mersey Tunnel Tolls’, be approved.


(2)  That the recommendation of the Regeneration and Environment Policy and Performance Committee in relation to the Notice of Motion, ‘NO to Nuisance Calls’, be approved.


(3)  That the recommendation of the Policy and Performance Coordinating Committee in relation to the Notice of Motion, ‘Labour’s Effective Stewardship’, be approved.

Supporting documents: