Agenda item

Motion - Investing in Wirral's Infrastructure


Proposed by Councillor Phil Gilchrist

Seconded by Councillor Dave Mitchell


Council recognises that substantial capital receipts are likely to be received from asset sales over the next two years and that this has been reported as being in the order of £20 million.


Council believes that Wirral’s roads, pavements and street lighting require further investment, over and above the programmes of recent years. Council welcomes the work being put in to target resources effectively and to utilise funds provided by the Government to cope with winter damage.


Council believes that the data from the annual condition survey should be reported upon in detail and that a strategic decision is desirable on a programme of sustained investment to improve the infrastructure in Wirral.


Council therefore requests that the Regeneration and Environment Policy & Performance Committee examine and report back on:


(i).  the level of investment in recent years

(ii).  the repairs backlog, including up to date UKPMS survey data

(iii).  the number of potholes, trip hazards and faulty street lighting issues being tackled

(iv).  a programme of investment that can be sustained over several years to deal with public concern about the state of Wirral’s roads, pavements and lighting infrastructure.


An amendment which had been circulated in advance of the meeting was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9), as follows:


Proposed by Councillor Stuart Whittingham

Seconded by Councillor Phil Davies


“Amend the final paragraph as follows:


Council therefore requests that the Regeneration and Environment Policy & Performance Committee examines this matter and suggests particular consideration of the following issues:


(i).  the level of investment in recent years;

(ii).  areas of strong performance within the service;

(iii).  the repairs backlog, including up to date condition survey data;

(iv).  the levels of safety intervention repairs on the highway network, and repudiation rates for claims against the Council;

(v).  proposals for the further development of the highways asset management strategy and plans, to reflect changes in industry guidance and best practice;

(vi).  the deliverability of a programme of sustained investment over several years to maintain the condition of the borough’s highways in the context of severe cuts in the Council’s overall budget by central government and the opportunity cost of delivering such a programme,


and reports back to Council thereafter.”


The Mayor then requested the movers of the motion and amendment to speak to their proposals followed by the seconders.


The amendment was put and carried (36:24) (One abstention).


The substantive motion, as amended, was put and carried (60:0) (One abstention).


Resolved (60:0) (One abstention) –


Council recognises that substantial capital receipts are likely to be received from asset sales over the next two years and that this has been reported as being in the order of £20 million.


Council believes that Wirral’s roads, pavements and street lighting require further investment, over and above the programmes of recent years. Council welcomes the work being put in to target resources effectively and to utilise funds provided by the Government to cope with winter damage.


Council believes that the data from the annual condition survey should be reported upon in detail and that a strategic decision is desirable on a programme of sustained investment to improve the infrastructure in Wirral.


Council therefore requests that the Regeneration and Environment Policy & Performance Committee examines this matter and suggests particular consideration of the following issues:


(i).  the level of investment in recent years;

(ii).  areas of strong performance within the service;

(iii).  the repairs backlog, including up to date condition survey data;

(iv).  the levels of safety intervention repairs on the highway network, and repudiation rates for claims against the Council;

(v).  proposals for the further development of the highways asset management strategy and plans, to reflect changes in industry guidance and best practice;

(vi).  the deliverability of a programme of sustained investment over several years to maintain the condition of the borough’s highways in the context of severe cuts in the Council’s overall budget by central government and the opportunity cost of delivering such a programme,


and reports back to Council thereafter.