Agenda item

Public Question Time


Mrs. Swinnerton asked whether the railings at the junction of Barnston Road and Brimstage Road around the coppice there could be replaced, as they are in a very bad state.  Roger Calvert has stated that they are beyond repair, but subject to funding, they will renew a short section at that junction.  The Heswall Society has intimated that they will help financially.

Heswall Hill shops.  Heswall Hills station has a free car park, and there are shops opposite where there are always a great many cars parked.  This road is now being used more since the Lower Village Post Office was closed.  This road is narrow, and if you are driving past the shops, and a car comes in the other direction, it is very difficult.  It would make it safer if this road could be made one way. -Tracey Smith reported that she is awaiting a response.


Douglas George representing members of Probus Club.  Now that the Alexander Hall future has been published when are we going to get some information, and when  are the Community groups going to be made aware that Heswall Hall is going to be closed?

Cllr. Hodson replied that the three Heswall Councillors had attended the meeting at Hulme Hall, and Probus are looking at the possibility of taking over the running of Alexander Hall.  Mr. George stated that he had requested the accounts from the Director of Regeneration, but had not yet received them.  David Armstrong said that he understood that this information could not be given out before a decision is made.  24 premises had been identified and these premises were to be transferred to the Community, and this had been agreed on Monday, and the Director of Regeneration will attend a meeting to explain about this.

Mrs. Ite Rafferty went to the West Kirby meeting, and all they said was that Heswall Library was safe.

Mr. Kinlan attended the meeting at Hulme Hall, and what was not told was how many assets have been lost.  Are the Council proud of what they have done to Wirral?  Why don’t they spend some money on Arrowe Park?  He had to visit there recently, and was kept in the corridor. The comment was passed that the only company doing well on Wirral is Peel Holdings.


Irby is losing everything, and with the closure of the Library, some of the shops will suffer.

Mark Johnston – Fishers Lane Community Group was massively under-used, and they would like to take it over, and they have bent over backwards to help them start.  One lady said her husband was part of the beginning and worked very hard there, and the Council never put one penny into the building, and it ran very successfully until they got tired.  The roof is damaged and the Pioneer People came in and members came to help out.  All the money being made was helping keep the doors open .  The Community Association gave up their charitable status, and she is delighted that the Pioneer People have taken over, and would like it recorded that this is the case.

f)  Is there any change of Heswall getting a public toilet again?  Tony Garrett reported that the library has a public toilet, and Heswall Hall have a male and female toilet.

g)  A question was asked as to why every library is closed on a Wednesday afternoon.  It would appear there is nothing that can be done.  Sue Powell asked this question, and also whether it might be possible to have a rota.

Clare said that some of them are going to be open for longer hours to compensate for the closures.  The mobile library has been dropped because the Council did a feasibility study, and it was not viable.

h) David Hall stated that this week has seen the climax to the worst week of turmoil on Wirral.  No less than 11 of the libraries are due to close.  If the three Lib-Dems had voted (there was a free vote) this would not have happened.  On the night of the Cabinet meeting the three Pensby councillors had told their Leader that they were not in favour, but you changed your minds.  Cllr. Pat Williams should not be included in the destruction that you three have now helped to make, and he no longer considers you to be his representatives.

Please do not expect people like me to run the library, where paid professionals are required, and to take on the management, paying of bills etc. of all these buildings, and the responsibility for security, insurance etc.

i)  Cllr. Sarah Quinn stated that the Forum should not be political, and that had been agreed.

Cllr. Hodson said that was correct, but that all that was being stated were the facts.

j)  Sue Powell said that the dropped kerbs in Fishers Lane do not have the correct gradients, and there are pools of water everywhere.  There was, unfortunately, no-one representing Arriva.  It was agreed that most of the single decker buses are quite acceptable to the older people, but not the double deckers, as they are difficult to get into.

Phil Miner said that they are identifying areas where buses cannot get through, but this will only cover roads that Arriva have been given.

k)  Cllr. Sarah Quinn stated that the Cabinet have actually saved £40,000,000. over the past four years.  The question was asked what has happened to all these millions that have been saved, and the reply was that the savings have been out of Technical Services.  They have moved from numerous offices to one block.  They have also taken on a new Director who will be making savings for us.

l)  The question was asked whether there will still be an opportunity for the public to discuss the new proposed plans for the proposed Supermarket in Pensby Road.  The plans are now on the Internet.  The closing date for objections is 20th February.  It is proposed to knock down the three end shops, the flats are not in the new proposal, there will be parking spaces for 10 and two for the staff.  The line of the buildings will be as it is now, and the supermarket will be underneath, with a new façade, and roller shutters to close up.

The question was asked “where are the containers delivering going to reverse?”  Will the opening times still be the same – opening at 7 a.m. and closing at 10 p.m?”

They will be selling alcohol, and there will be litter and noise, especially for the people in Marks Way and those living opposite.


It was stated that another supermarket is not needed here, and we are going to be affected – you are not.  There are youngsters who throw cans and litter all over the place, and there will be a great many problems for the district.  There are already enough out of work, and we know that the Landlord wants out, but he thinks he can create more full-time jobs when everyone is becoming more short of money, and the Post Office will probably go as well.


There must be a planning reason for the Committee to turn it down.