Agenda item

Update from Merseyside Police

Inspector Katie Wilkinson to report.


Katie Wilkinson, the Neighbourhood Inspector was in attendance at the meeting and provided the Committee with an oral position statement on crimes and anti-social behaviour in Wirral South.  This included:


·  The detail of vehicles that had been engaged in anti-social activity and the subsequent actions the Road Policing Unit were taking.

·  Anti-social behaviour on the Croft Retail Park in Bromborough which had been curtailed in recent months.  There had also been some anti-social activity at the Oval in Bebington.  Preventative work was ongoing in respect of this with the Anti-Social Behaviour Team and Youth Outreach.

·  Robberies had been on the increase in New Ferry.  Someone had been arrested and the robberies had stopped.

·  The details of a robbery of a lady in Bromborough and the subsequent arrests.

·  Burglary of dwellings and vehicle crimes in Wirral South had reduced significantly.

·  Targeted visits to licensed premises.  Two premises had been closed as a result.

·  Intelligence was needed from the local community and this could be via ‘Crime Stoppers’ so that appropriate action could be taken.


Questions and Answers


Mr N Johnson referred to the continuous round of break-ins in the local area and asked for an update on break-ins at Thornton Hough Village Hall and at Heswall Golf Club.


Inspector Wilkinson informed that she would ask the Community Support Officers to make a visit.  She also informed that the Police were looking at community buildings as there had been a spate of break-ins.


Councillor Jerry Williams referred to a spate of commercial burglaries including shops in Bebington village in the last few weeks and informed that a lot of people had lost confidence with the Police’s telephone system (101) because it was almost impossible to get through. 


Bebington had lost its PCSO after many years and a request was made to have more Police on the ground in the Wirral South area and also some cohesion and not the ‘here today gone tomorrow’ mentality.


Inspector Wilkinson informed that the Police Force was being restructured. From January 2017 a different style of policing would be in operation.  There would be changes and there would be new policing teams.  Consideration was currently being given to the number of PCSOs there would be across the Wirral and the outcome of this was not known yet.  There was no ongoing selection process for PCSOs.  The Police wanted its Officers out on the streets. There were community hubs and electronic devices to allow them to stay out longer.


Inspector Wilkinson promised to take back the comments regarding the 101 telephone number response times as she had been told that it took a very long time for it to be answered.  This would enable the reasons for this to be ascertained.


Councillor Les Rowlands thanked the Officers in attendance for their good works during the previous Municipal Year.  He noted, in particular, the improvement works carried out in Dawstone Park, Heswall and reported that there had been some serious criminal activity there.  He proposed that consideration be given to putting up signage informing the Park was under surveillance - as a deterrent.


Inspector Wilkinson informed that she was aware of the damage that had been caused in Dawstone Park.  She had made a report and provided extra PCSO cover in Heswall, particularly over the weekend periods. The Police recorded what went on and any young people causing problems would be identified.


Councillor Dave Mitchell thanked the very helpful PCSO who had stayed behind well after his shift finished to assist in the aftermath of some recent anti-social activities.


Inspector Wilkinson agreed to pass Councillor Mitchell’s thanks on to the PCSO.


Councillor Christina Muspratt raised concerns about anti-social behaviour in Mayer Hall informing that the Council’s Community Patrol was sent there regularly.  She was concerned about youths who travelled around the local area, setting fire to neighbouring fences.  There were areas where there was asbestos. The youngsters had climbed onto the scaffolding, and they travelled through Parkside Close to where there were elderly peoples’ bungalows and proceeded to frighten the residents. Some of the youngsters had motor cycles and converged on the Town Lane Estate in New Ferry.  Councillor Muspratt requested the Inspector to make sure that the Police dealing with issues at the Oval in Bebington also looked into these incidents of anti-social behaviour.


Councillor Phil Gilchrist referred to the Police having to juggle priorities and asked about drivers who did not keep to the speed limits.


Inspector Wilkinson informed that the Police, working with Community Speed Watch, would periodically carry out speed checks.




That Inspector Katie Wilkinson be thanked for her report and her attendance at the meeting.