Agenda item



The Electoral Services Manager introduced a report which provided details of changes required in relation to polling places and polling stations within the Borough and sought Members’ approval of suitable alternatives.


Changes to Polling Station Locations within a Polling Place


New Brighton Ward – Polling District UD


The Electoral Services Manager advised that the current polling station was a temporary unit block in Liscard Primary School, however, the Business Manager of the school had requested that an alternative building within the school complex be considered for use as the polling station in order that the school could remain open.


Members were advised that the alternative building to be considered for use as the polling station was the School Lodge.  Further to inspection by the Electoral Services Manager, this had been considered unsuitable due to it being too small and having no adequate disabled access.


A suggestion had been made to hire a mobile porta cabin, however, there would be logistical and financial implications and this would incur a cost of approximately £1,000.


The Electoral Services Manager therefore recommended that the status quo should continue.


On a motion by Councillor Hodson, seconded by Councillor Mitchell, it was –


Resolved – That the current arrangements remain the most suitable for voting purposes and that the status quo continue.


Bidston & St James Ward – Polling District AE


Councillor J McManus declared a non pecuniary interest in this matter by virtue of being Ward Councillor (minute 12 refers).


The Electoral Services Manager advised that the current polling station was the school hall within Our Lady & St Edwards Primary School, however, the Headteacher had requested that an alternative building within the school complex be considered for use as the polling station in order that the school could remain open.


Members were advised that the alternative building to be considered for use as the polling station was a temporary unit block within the school complex.  Further to inspection by the Electoral Services Manager, this building was considered to be suitable, therefore it was recommended that the venue be relocated.


On a motion by Councillor Hodson, seconded by Councillor Stuart, it was –


Resolved – That the polling station venue be relocated to the temporary unit block for all future elections/referenda.


Birkenhead & Tranmere Ward – Polling District BD


The Electoral Services Manager advised that the current polling station was the Community Hall in Woodlands Primary School, however, the School Office Manager on behalf of the Headteacher had requested that an alternative room within the school complex be considered for use as the polling station due to reconstruction work being carried out on the Community Hall creating two rooms resulting in them being too small to use as a polling station.


Members were advised that the alternative building to be considered for use as the polling station was the nursery block within the school complex.  Further to inspection by the Electoral Services Manager, this building was considered to be suitable, therefore it was recommended that the venue be relocated.


On a motion by Councillor Mitchell, seconded by Councillor Stuart, it was –


Resolved – That the polling station venue be relocated to the nursery block within the school complex of Woodlands Primary School for all future elections/referenda.


Changes to Polling Places within a Polling District


Wallasey Ward


Polling District VB


The Electoral Services Manager advised that the current polling place was New Brighton Day Nursery however during the post-election review it had been determined that the current arrangement was no longer the most suitable venue as the building manager had only allowed the use of a small room rather than the whole building.


Members were advised that the alternative venue was Jubilee Church which had previously been used as a suitable polling place, therefore it was recommended that the polling place be relocated.


On a motion by Councillor Meaden, seconded by Councillor Anderson, it was -


Resolved – That the polling place be relocated to Jubilee Church for all future elections/referenda.


Polling District VF


The Electoral Services Manager advised that the current polling place was St Georges Primary School, however, the Headteacher had requested that an alternative venue be considered in order that the school could remain open.


Members were advised that a suggested alternative building was Wallasey Village Library and this proposal had been supported by two Ward Members.


On a motion by Councillor Hodson, seconded by Councillor McManus, it was –


Resolved – That the polling place be relocated to Wallasey Village Library for all future elections/referenda.


Moreton West & Saughall Massie Ward – Polling District YA


The Electoral Services Manager advised that the current polling place was Christchurch C of E Primary School, however, the Headteacher had requested that an alternative venue be considered for use as the polling station in order that the school could remain open.


Members were advised that a suggested alternative building was Christ Church Parish Centre.  This venue was situated approximately 321 metres from the school and was considered suitable for use as a polling place however there would be a cost of approximately £300.


Councillor Chris Blakeley, Ward Councillor, was in attendance at the meeting and raised concerns in respect of the alternative venue as this was sited on the edge of the polling district which he considered may disadvantage voters, in particular the elderly and infirm as they would have further to travel in order to cast their vote.  He believed the school could remain open whilst continuing to be used as the polling place and suggested that temporary barriers could be erected in the front play area.


Members discussed the possible alternative venue and considered that there was parking available both at the front and rear of the building, however Councillor Blakeley’s concerns were taken into consideration.


The Chair recommended that this matter be deferred for further consideration.


On a motion by Councillor Hodson, seconded by Councillor McManus, it was –


Resolved – That this matter be deferred pending further inspection of the current polling place by the Electoral Services Manager.

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