Agenda item



The Director of Technical Services referred to the appointment of consultants, Donald Insall and Associates, in March 2007 to carry out appraisals and management plans for Conservation Areas in Wirral. He reported that Conservation Area Appraisals were promoted by English Heritage as useful documents for the understanding of the significance, character and appearance of such areas.  It was proposed that the Appraisals should be adopted by the Council and used as a material consideration in determining any planning applications within or affecting the setting of the conservation area. The Management Plans were intended to follow on from appraisals to provide a focus for action and management of conservation areas.


The Director submitted the consultants’ reports, appraisals and management plans for the following areas:-


(i)  Bidston Village

(ii)  Birkenhead Park

(iii)  Bromborough Pool

(iv)  Caldy Village

(v)  Eastham Village

(vi)  Rock Park

(vii)  Thurstaston

(viii)  Wellington Road


He referred to comments received from the Birkenhead Park Conservation Area Advisory Committee, and reported that these amendments and additions would be included in the final version of the Management Plan.


Resolved - That this Committee recommend to Cabinet that:-


(1)  The Appraisals for the following areas be adopted by the Council and used to inform the evidence base for the preparation of future planning policy in the forthcoming Local Development Framework and used as a material consideration in determining future applications for planning permission, listed building and conservation area consent:-


(i)  Bidston Village

(ii)  Birkenhead Park

(iii)  Bromborough Pool

(iv)  Caldy Village

(v)  Eastham Village

(vi)  Rock Park

(vii)  Thurstaston

(viii)  Wellington Road


(2)  The Management Plans act as an agenda for further consultation both locally and within the Council to identify priorities for action and the resources necessary for their implementation.


(3)  A further report be submitted to Planning Committee after all 16 Appraisals and Management Plans have been reported to Cabinet regarding the need for and relative priorities for Article 4 directions between areas, and the financial and staffing implications arising.



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