Agenda item

Public question time


Diane Toomey – asked Councillors when considering any planning applications for the site at corner of Elm Road North/Woodchurch Road following the recent fire that local residents are informed prior to any decision being made.

Cllr Williams - offered her sympathies to Diane and residents of that area with regard to recent fire.


Cllr Holbrook – also offered sympathies after such a traumatic experience. It is very much early days and the expectation currently is to secure the site and tidy up. The Council’s Emergency Planning Officer is working with Fire & Rescue Service and the Police before the site can be released. With regard to planning, the two properties involved are retail and mixed use developments and it would be problematic to deviate from that type of use for any future applications. There may not be sufficient demand for use of land given the current economic climate. Residents would of course, be involved under the rules of the consultation process. The properties concerned could be restored as they were previously under appropriate fire insurance.


Cllr Bridson – the building belongs to Plucks and is not in ownership of the Council therefore it would be up to Plucks to inform residents of their intentions, as it was their building that set the other alight.


David Holt – expressed concerns that if the land is left open it could become a dumping ground/fly tipping which could lead to more fires and asked if the area could be policed?


Cllr Holbrook – reported that fly tipping is a criminal offence.


Inspector McGregor – informed the forum that the site is covered by CCTV.


Patrick Dowling – enquired about the condition of the roof of Williamson Art Gallery. Concerned that such valuable contents of the building could be damaged and get into disrepair. He had written to Cllr Willaims and received a detailed response. Will the Council maintain this gem, particularly in light of the Wirral Museum, as all ages use this facility. What is the outlook for the gallery?


Rob Beresford – the Council is doing it’s best to make good the problems that have occurred. The gallery is a grade 2 listed building. The cost to repair the roof is £250,000. A long lasting sustainable solution is required. It is proposed to bid for capital funds which will be judged alongside other bids against the Council’s priorities.


June Foster – would personally like to thank Cllr Williams on behalf of people of Wirral for her efforts in regard to closure of libraries.


Cllr Williams – wished to point out that Cllr Southwood was also opposed to library closures.


Mr Dowling – inquired to outcome of enquiry and when the report would be available?


Cllr Williams – report has not yet been published and should be available towards end of October.


Alan Dollery – received an email from Mr Fletcher (also sent to Cllr’s Holbrook and Bridson) regarding the rehabilitation centre in Prenton Village Road. Reason to believe this may be up for closure, could an update be provided on this?


Cllr Bridson – a media statement has been sent out by the Council. Cllr Bridson attended a meeting last Thursday with service users but only spoke briefly to raise awareness of the consultation. Copies of which Cllr Bridson available here should anyone wish to take part.


Debbie Mayor – fully aware of this consultation and that it ends at the end of October. Trying to ensure that colleagues and service users / carers are fully engaged. Advocacy in Wirral are supporting groups to have their say and that information is fed in and fed back with user and carer representatives on local groups. Tony Lawrence works with Advocacy in Wirral.


Mr Fletcher – commented that the consultation paper is available under the social care and health area of with a means to respond.


Alan Dollery – thanked Cllr Bridson for efforts to date, he was asked to raise this in order for the item to be minuted. With regard to You Decide funding, several items were for youth activities, he has met recently with Mrs Cairns regarding using the school facilities with the possibility of 4 schools in Oxton area and 2 schools in Prenton being used. Intended to host a festival sports day for all young people and children of the area.


Rob Beresford – suggested that the Council youth activities could also be linked into this.


Cllr Holbrook – commented that he is mindful of context of some youth sports activity via You Decide consultation providing diversionary activities for young people.


Alan Dollery – stated that an integration open day themed ‘Not in my Neighbourhood’ is taking place on 2nd November between 3pm – 6pm at Prenton Tenants & Residents Association and everyone is very welcome to come along.


Member of public – expressed concern and frustration with regard to logging a call with Streetscene.regarding the wall at the bottom of Euston Grove, fenced off by Building Control around April 2008 but nothing further has happened since June 2008. The York stone now has weeds growing out of it. Can something please be done to clear up the this and surrounding area?


Cllr Williams – concerned to hear this and stated that all issues and enquiries should be dealt with by Streetscene, requested that a formal response to this issue be available for the next area forum meeting.


Andrew Taylor – echoed concerns about Streetscene, he had reported 5 lamps at Clatterbridge roundabout that were not working around a year ago. Stated that the call centre reads from a script and if the enquiry raised is not on the list then they do not deal with it.


Garry Cummings – with regard to the wall at the bottom of Euston Grove, this was initiated by Building Control and he only recently became of the problems. The reason the wall was fenced off is because it was unsafe. The maintenance contract manager is now aware and dealing with the grounds aspect.


Minute decision:

i.  that an update be available for the next area forum meeting with regard to the wall in Euston Grove.

ii.  formal response from Streetscene regarding monitoring calls.