Agenda item

MOTION : Death of Chloe Fletcher


Proposed by Councillor Jeff Green

Seconded by Councillor Lesley Rennie


(1) Council expresses its deep sadness at the death of Chloe Fletcher’s and our sincere condolences go to her family and everyone who knew her.


(2) Council supports and endorses the comments of the Director of Children’s Services ‘that Chloe’s death affected the whole community and continues to resonate with everyone involved’


(3) Council believes that there are major lessons to be learned by the public sector across Wirral particularly those agencies directly involved with families and Child Protection.


(4) Council therefore expresses its disappointment that a suitably anonymised and reasonably redacted, copy of the Serious Case Review into Chloe’s death, including OFSTED’s comments upon it, has not been made public.


(5) Council acknowledges its own vital role regarding Child Protection in Wirral and believes that we can only hope to learn the lessons of such a tragedy and assure the public that steps are being taken to avoid repeating any shortfalls that made it possible, by a timely and as full as possible publication of the details contained in Serious Case Reviews and OFSTED’s comments upon them.


Amendment submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7(2):




Proposed by Councillor Phil Davies

Seconded by Councillor Moira McLaughlin

Delete paragraph (4) and insert the following:


(4) Council notes the advice of Lord Laming on the importance of maintaining confidentiality in Serious Case Reviews. In his report, ‘The Protection of Children in England: A Progress Report’, Lord Laming states that “Serious Case Reviews inevitably include a great deal of case material that should remain confidential, not only to protect vulnerable people, but also because SCRs depend upon the cooperation of witnesses, often in a highly charged situation. Without this assurance many would be reluctant to participate in the process, rendering the task worthless. The future of SCRs depends, in large degree, on the guarantee of confidentiality. Full reports should therefore remain confidential beyond the immediate partners involved in a case, the relevant inspectorates, Government Offices and the relevant government departments.” Lord Laming goes on to say that “The confidentiality of full SCRs makes the provision of a high-quality executive summary all the more important. Executive summaries should provide an accurate reflection of all the main points in the full report, include a copy of the full action plan, and provide the names of all the SCR panel members so that the public can have confidence that a senior and multi-agency panel, as well as an independent chair and independent author, have been in charge of the process.”


Delete paragraph 5 and insert the following:


(5) Council acknowledges its own vital role regarding Child Protection in Wirral and believes that it is essential that we learn lessons from such a tragedy and assure the public that steps are being taken to avoid repeating any shortfalls that made it possible. In the light of the recommendations of Lord Laming, as set out above, Council supports the publication of a high quality executive summary of serious case reviews.


Insert new paragraph 6:


(6) Council notes that the Director of Children’s Services and the Director of Adult Social Services has proposed the establishment of a Review Group on Safeguarding as a working group of the Cabinet. This will comprise the Leaders of the three Groups and relevant spokespersons and will be charged with discussing the Annual Safeguarding Report and the findings of serious case reviews in relation to both adults and children.


The amendment was put and carried (38:22)