Issue - decisions

Primary Phase 6 Outcomes

14/02/2011 - Review of Primary School Places - Outcome of Consultations on Options Put Forward for the Phase 6 Planning Area

Councillor G Davies left the meeting.


A report by the Interim Director of Children’s Services advised the Cabinet of the outcomes of the consultation process that had taken place in the South Wallasey planning area which had been agreed at the Cabinet meeting held on 24 June 2010 (Minute No. 24 refers).  The report also described the responses to the various options put forward for discussion, including additional suggestions made during the consultation process, and proposed recommendations with regard to statutory proposals in this area.


It was noted that school re-organisation fitted into the Council’s Corporate Objectives: “to help children and young people achieve their full potential”; and “create an excellent Council”. The outcomes of school re-organisation met the Council’s Aim to “Close the attainment gap where poverty and disadvantage affect achievement” by the removal of surplus places to ensure public money was spent to maximum effect in all Wirral schools.


As a result of the review Kingsway Primary School in Wallasey was recommended for closure from August 2012.


The Cabinet heard representations from Miss Francine Foster, Headteacher at Kingsway Primary School, against the proposed closure.  She set out the benefits of maintaining her school which was in one of the most deprived areas in the country.


The Cabinet also heard representations from Ward Councillor D Knowles who was against the closure and from Councillor P Hayes who had chaired the consultation meetings and didn’t believe the case for closure had been made sufficiently in the report.


It was noted that the proposed closure had nothing to do with standards and performance and that all Wirral Primary Schools were doing well.  It was about reducing surplus school places.


The Cabinet put on record its thanks and appreciation of the work done in Wirral Schools over many years.


Attention was drawn to the Wirral Waters development scheme which was a 40 year project and the need for a school in the area to accommodate children who would move into this area of Wallasey in the future.


The Cabinet turned its attention to Recommendation (3) in the report as follows:


“(3)  Brentwood Early Years Centre be monitored in terms of numbers and viability and that the governing body be supported in considering alternative options for shared governance arrangements as opportunities allow;”


And it was indicated that all Members of the Cabinet were able to agree to this.


Councillor J Green proposed that further investigation may need to be carried out but Councillor S Holbrook disagreed.  He made the point that there would probably be a number of Primary School places reviews in the next 40 years or so.  He felt that any deferment of the decision may destabilise primary education in Seacombe and Wallasey and moved the following Motion which was seconded by Councillor G Gardiner in the light of the clear advice, he had received from the Interim Director of Children’s Services:


“(1)  statutory proposals be published in respect of the following option: Option A1, closure of Kingsway Primary School from August 2012;


(2)  the Interim Director of Children’s Services be authorised to take all necessary steps to publish these proposals, ensure the prescribed procedures are followed, including requesting permissions from the Secretary of State and proposals for the re-zoning of schools, in furtherance of the proposals;


(3)  Brentwood Early Years Centre be monitored in terms of numbers and viability and that the governing body be supported in considering alternative options for shared governance arrangements as opportunities allow; and


(4)  a scheme be drawn up for the replacement of mobile accommodation at Somerville Primary School with permanent accommodation on a phased basis.”


Councillor J Green indicated that he considered that the judgements made in the report were accurate in the light of the information available at the time. However, he now required further information that could be obtained relatively quickly and moved the following Amendment that was seconded by Councillor L Rennie:




(1)  Brentwood Early Years Centre be monitored in terms of numbers and viability and that the governing body be supported in considering alternative options for shared governance arrangements as opportunities allow;


(2)  the Interim Director of Children’s Services and his team be thanked for all of the hard work carried out on the consultation; and


(3)  no other decisions be made in respect of primary school places until an investigation has been undertaken and further information is presented to the Cabinet, as soon as possible in respect of the growth bid and the implications of the Wirral Waters planning application.”


The Amendment was put to the vote and was carried 7 for to 3 against.  It then became the Substantive Motion and was put to the vote and was carried 7 for to 3 against.  Consequently the Cabinet




(1)  Brentwood Early Years Centre be monitored in terms of numbers and viability and that the governing body be supported in considering alternative options for shared governance arrangements as opportunities allow;


(2)  the Interim Director of Children’s Services and his team be thanked for all of the hard work carried out on the consultation; and


(3)  no other decisions be made in respect of primary school places until an investigation has been undertaken and further information is presented to the Cabinet as soon as possible in respect of the growth bid and the implications of the Wirral Waters planning application.


Councillor G Davies returned to the meeting.