Issue - decisions

Alcohol Scrutiny Review - Final Report

25/03/2011 - Committee Referral - Scrutiny Programme Board - Alcohol Scrutiny Review

The Director of Law, HR and Asset Management reported that at its meeting held on 5 January 2011 (minute 44 refers), the Scrutiny Programme Board gave consideration to the Alcohol Scrutiny Review – Final Report, which had been prepared by a Panel of Members, comprised of Councillors Mitchell (Chair), Meaden, Taylor and Bridson. Significant work had been undertaken by Panel Members and the central focus for the Review was “access to alcohol by young people in Wirral”.


The Scrutiny Programme Board supported the content and recommendations of the Review and had referred it to the Cabinet for consideration and approval. It had also been referred to Wirral Health, the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership (CDRP) and other partners.


Resolved –


(1)  That the Cabinet welcomes the report and notes the hard work put in by the Alcohol Scrutiny Panel and the Scrutiny Programme Board in carrying out the review.


(2)  That the Cabinet expresses its concern about the serious issues for the health, safety and wellbeing of young people that the report raises and all of the recommendations of the Panel be accepted.


(3)  That it be noted that recommendation A is picked up in the Corporate Plan (see minute 349 ante) and that recommendation H has already been acted on in the Budget.


(4)  That the Scrutiny Review be referred to the Licensing. Health and Safety and General Purposes Committee, with a request that it gives specific attention to recommendations E, F, G and J.


(5)  That the report be referred to the LSP Executive with a request that it gives specific attention to recommendations B, C, D, I and K.


(6)  That the Director of Public Health be requested to be the lead officer for co-ordinating the response of the Council and other agencies to the report.


(Having declared his personal interest, Councillor I Lewis abstained from voting on this item)