Issue - decisions

Transforming Day Services

28/09/2011 - Progress Report on the Implementation of Personalisation and Recommendations for Transforming Day Services

The Interim Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report which sought approval to pilot a new approach to daytime provision for people with disabilities that would improve and indeed transform outcomes and access to training, education and employment for people. The report also sought approval to consult with citizens on a variety of options on how to improve and transform day services and daytime provision across Wirral.


The report supported the Council’s Corporate Priorities in that it sought to improve existing services and that it placed the views of Wirral residents, employers, Community and Voluntary groups at the heart of all the Council did, providing opportunities for people to improve their neighbourhoods, lives and those of their families, ensuring that no part of Wirral was ignored.


Councillor A McArdle welcomed the report which demonstrated a willingness to keep services in-house.


The Leader of the Council also welcomed the report which would seek to improve and make better an already treasured resource and highlighted the need for a thorough consultation process.


Resolved -


(1)  Business Centre - that the proposal to pilot a new approach to daytime provision for people with disabilities that will improve and indeed transform outcomes and access to training, education and employment for people be approved.


(2)  Transformation of Day Services - that officers consult with citizens on how to improve and develop the scope of day services and daytime provision across Wirral in order to transform them.