Issue - decisions

Campaigns to Improve Environmental Quality

23/04/2014 - Campaigns to Improve Environmental Quality

Councillor Brian Kenny introduced a report by the Strategic Director - Regeneration and Environment that informed that low level environmental crime cost the Council over £3.5 million per year to clean up, and was consistently placed as a top improvement priority for Wirral residents.  The report sought approval for the implementation of two campaigns, with associated expenditure, aimed at improving local environmental quality through increased campaign efforts in relation to alleyway dumping and dog fouling.  In addition, approval to extend the very successful “Love Wirral” grants funding to assist communities make their own positive contributions was sought.


The Cabinet was informed that it was widely recognised that good environmental quality could have a positive impact on peoples’ health and well-being.  The recommendations set out in the report, therefore, supported the Council’s strategic priorities “Protecting vulnerable people and communities” and “Narrowing the gap in inequalities”.


In addition to adopting the nationally recognised 3Es model of Engagement, Education and Enforcement, the Cabinet noted that these balanced campaigns would also carry out extensive consultation and engagement in order to better understand the root causes of alleyway dumping and dog fouling.


The report reminded the Cabinet that on 25 February 2014 the Council had resolved to return to four weekly cleansing of alleyways for a period of two years and to re-double enforcement efforts.  (Minute No. 76 refers.)  It also outlined proposals for how the £400K contribution from the Waste Development Fund could be used over a two year campaign period to drive pro-environmental behaviours and maximise recycling of household waste in terraced housing areas. 


Attached to the report at Appendix 1 was the Alleyway Dumping Project Outline.


Councillor P Davies welcomed the initiative of providing extra resources to tackle these three issues.  The aim of the 3Es was to try to change people’s behaviour.  He informed that the “Love Wirral” grants funding was a fantastic initiative and he paid tribute to Councillor Brian Kenny who was leading on it.




(1)  the proposal to tackle alleyway dumping as outlined in Appendix 1 to the report including the allocation of £400K Waste Development Fund over a two year period to reinstate a four weekly cleansing schedule to aid the recovery of recyclable materials be approved; 


(2)  the six month Dog Fouling pilot campaign as outlined in Section 2.2 of the report be endorsed; and


(3)  the continuation of the “Love Wirral” grants programme into 2014/15 at a cost of £40K be agreed.