Issue - decisions

Capital Monitoring 2014/15 (Month 10)

25/03/2015 - Capital Monitoring 2014/15 (Month 10)

Councillor Phil Davies introduced a report of the Acting Section 151 Officer which set out the capital position for 2014/15 at Month 10 (January 2015).


The Cabinet noted that the actual spend against the Capital Programme which was summarised in the report in Table 1.  A number of variances had been identified which impacted upon the forecast outturn and these were highlighted in the report in Table 2. The report provides information on the progress in delivering the 2014/15 Capital Programme and the sources of financing.


Councillor Phil Davies informed that he was pleased to see that the Cabinet Member for Support Services had been working hard to release capital receipts which would be reinvested in other Council Services.  He thanked Councillor Adrian Jones for being so vigilant. 


Councillor Phil Davies invited each Cabinet Member to provide information on important capital projects coming to fruition within each of their portfolios and they responded as follows:


Councillor Chris Meaden informed that the Guinea Gap Leisure Centre in Wallasey had reopened on Monday and the planned leisure facilities in West Kirby would open later in the year.  Capital funding had been earmarked to redevelop the Marine Lake in New Brighton.


Councillor Stuart Whittingham referred to major highway improvement works which were actually detailed in the Strategic Directors report at paragraphs 3.26, 3.27 and 3.28.  He informed that the Council was investing in the Borough’s highway network and now had some of the best roads in the country.


Councillor Chris Jones referred to the Somerville Primary School project and informed that as a consequence it was now a fantastic place for children to go.


Councillor Pat Hackett referred to the recent infrastructure works carried out in New Brighton and informed that it showed the Council’s commitment to improving the seafront.


Councillor Bernie Mooney informed that the whole report was a reflection of the Council and the good works it was doing.


Councillor Tony Smith referred to the capital project that was progressing well at Elleray Park Primary School, the new Foxfield Special School which opened in March 2015 and the project to provide two additional classrooms and remodelling works at Fender Primary School.  He thanked all of those involved in these projects and informed that the Council was continuing to update all of the schools in the Council’s administrative area.


Councillor Ann McLachlan made reference to the project to bring Birkenhead Town Hall “back to life”, relocating staff there and disposing buildings no longer required, thereby realising capital receipts  She informed that the Council would continue to renew and refurbish some of its buildings, using what it had to best advantage and ensuring that “the Wirral £” went further.




(1)  the spend to date at Month 10 of £25.8 million, with 83% of the financial year having elapsed be noted; and


(2)  Cabinet agrees and refers to Council:


(a)  The revised Capital Programme of £39.6 million in (Table 1);


(b)  The re-profiling in respect of the schemes referred to in Table 2 of £5.785 million.