Issue - decisions

Proposed Public Health Commissioning Intentions For 2017/18

19/07/2017 - Proposed Public Health Commissioning Intentions For 2017/18

Councillor-Chris_Jones LATEST

Councillor Chris Jones, Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health, said:


Giving every Wirral resident the support, opportunity and encouragement they need to live healthier lives is incredibly important. One of our key pledges, creating a healthier borough helps every resident enjoy a better quality of life.


‘We take our responsibilities in public health seriously. We work with our colleagues throughout the health sector, and we are creating innovative integrated services with the NHS. This report gives our commissioning intentions for the coming year, giving detailed information on where our resources will be invested and how we will seek to deliver major, ongoing improvements to residents’ health in the coming twelve months.”


Councillor Chris Jones introduced a report which sought agreement from the Cabinet to progress Public Health’s proposed commissioning intentions for 2017/18.  The Cabinet was informed that the proposals in the report linked to the delivery of the Wirral Plan 2020 and the statutory responsibilities of the local authority in respect of public health. 


The proposed actions detailed in the report affected all of the Wards in the Borough and were, therefore, key decisions. 


Appended to the report were Public Health contracts by provider 2017/18 (including commissioning intentions). The Cabinet noted that the current expenditure in respect of Public Health Contractual Investments 2017/18 amounted to £20,263,715.  Councillor Phil Davies informed that this was a huge investment but it was important to meet the Council’s pledges around health and quality of life.




(1)  the contents of the report be noted and the schedule of commissioning and contracting activities as set out in table 2 and Appendix 1 of the report be agreed;


(2)  provision be made to meet contracts totalling £1,530,000 (£306,000 per annum) for the provision and delivery of the National NHS Healthchecks programme, for a 5 year contract (2018-23);


(3)  provision be made to meet contracts totalling £685,000 (£137,000 per annum) for an initial 3 year contract (2017-20) with the option of two one-year extensions for the delivery of Third Sector Infrastructure and Support services; and


(4)  provision be made to meet contracts totalling £1,000,000 (£200,000 per annum) for an initial three year contract (2018-21) with the option of two one-year extensions for the delivery of Weight Management services. 


Councillor Angela Davies returned to the meeting.