Issue - decisions

Resident Parking Task & Finish Scrutiny Review Cover Report

14/11/2017 - Resident Parking Scrutiny Review

Stuart Wittingham UPDATED - To be used in minutes

Councillor Stuart Whittingham, Cabinet Member – Highways and Transport, said:


“It is important we are able to provide an effective, sustainable and well-managed service for residents’ parking schemes. This is an issue which comes up in many communities all across the borough and it is therefore right that Members from all parties have an input in how the service is provided in the future.


I thank the Members who took part in the scrutiny review. The recommendations are helpful, well researched and I am sure will help us develop the quality and availability of this service in the future.”


Councillor Stuart Whittingham introduced the report, which stated that, following a report presented to the Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee in July 2016, a Task and Finish scrutiny review on Resident Parking was added to the Committee’s work programme. The main objective of the review was to understand the issues around the Resident Parking Policy and to help inform the development of a new policy for Wirral.


The scrutiny review was conducted over a number of question and answer evidence sessions and the report set out the findings and recommendations of the Task and Finish Scrutiny Review Panel. 


Councillor Whittingham informed the meeting that he supported the majority of the recommendations in the Review but had some new proposals to insert into the recommendations. These new proposals were due to the fact that some of the historic schemes were in areas where households were struggling to make ends meet.


Councillor Phil Davies informed the meeting that the Chair of the Scrutiny Review Panel, Councillor Jean Stapleton, was unfortunately unable to attend to present the review and had sent her apologies. He commented that the amended proposals put forward struck the right balance in maintaining those historic schemes which had been introduced with no charge for residents and which they shouldn’t now have to pay for and a reasonable charge of £10 per annum for new schemes.


On a motion by Councillor Whittingham, seconded by Councillor Phil Davies, it was -




(1)  Cabinet notes the findings of the report and approves the first three recommendations of the Task and Finish Group;


(2)  for new schemes and those introduced since 2007 under the most recent policy, the charge for resident permits should continue to be fixed at £10 per year until further notice;


(3)  for the majority of historic schemes introduced before 2007 where residents do not currently pay a charge for resident permits, existing residents already living in these areas should continue to enjoy these for free with the exception that new residents moving into these areas from 1 April 2018 should pay £10 per year;


(4)  officers are instructed to commence the necessary legal processes to amend the relevant Traffic Regulation Orders on that basis.


Councillor Angela Davies left the meeting whilst the next item of business was under discussion.