Issue - decisions

Membership of Health and Wellbeing Board

04/10/2023 - Membership of Health and Wellbeing Board

The Consultant Lawyer presented the report of the Director of Law and Governance which provided the reviewed the formal membership as contained within the Wirral Council Constitution and propose any amendments to Wirral Council’s Constitution and Standards Committee and then to full Council. Changes were recommended to reflect changes in job titles, the replacement of the Clinical Care Groups with the Integrated Care Board and the disbanding of Local Are teams.


The Chair suggested that a workshop be held to consider whether the correct people and organisations were included in the membership list.


It was noted that on lines 12,13 and 14 it is the Chief Executives of those Trusts who were members and other persons would be added to the Deputies column.


Resolved: That, subject to lines 12,13 and 14 it is the Chief Executives of those Trusts who were members and other persons would be added to the Deputies column, Constitution and Standards Committee be recommended to adopt the revised membership list as provided in Appendix 2 to the report.