Issue - decisions

Festive Display Policy

13/03/2024 - Festive Display Policy

Resolved – That


1.  The Festive Display Policy as set out at Appendix 1 of the report be approved; and


2.  The Committee recognises the tremendous effort, dedication, and countless hours local residents invest in ensuring the lights shine brilliantly year after year. The joy they bring to people of all ages and the sense of community they foster in our towns is truly an invaluable asset in Wirral. It is not just about flipping a switch in November; planning begins as early as the Summer for some groups. We commend all the volunteers who work tirelessly to make this endeavour a success. Having listened to feedback from various lights groups, we recognise the paramount importance of consulting and engaging with them whenever feasible. This approach helps establish working relationships that benefit all relevant stakeholders involved in the process.