Outside Body

Wirral Connect


Over the years, the organisation has delivered a number of projects, many of which supported people to become volunteers. For a long period, it was the leading accredited volunteer centre in the Wirral, but over the years the organisation started developing great expertise in mentoring and supporting individuals through one-to-one support programmes.


For 8 years, the organisation delivered a very successful project in supporting individuals in drug/alcohol recovery through peer mentoring. From this model, we have developed our expertise further and now work with a number of different groups, as we believe that mentoring is a very effective method in supporting people on a practical basis in the local communities. Working individually with people and designing the support package around them, we find is the best way to success.


Wirral Connect is made up of three aims:

Connecting people

Connecting sectors

Connecting organisations


Contact information

Paul Growney
Chief Executive

Phone: 0151 647 5432

Website: http://www.wirralconnect.org.uk/

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