Document Equality Impact Assessments 2021
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Equality Impact Assessments 2021
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- Centralised Print Function Budget Proposal (137 KB)
- Weekly Refuse Collections Budget Proposal (135 KB)
- Accessible Buildings Budget Proposal (143 KB)
- Apprenticeship First Budget Proposal (144 KB)
- Birkenhead Market Budget Proposal (142 KB)
- Business Support Unit Restructure Budget Proposal (132 KB)
- Car Parking Income Budget Proposal (137 KB)
- Closure of Public Convenience Budget Proposal (148 KB)
- Community Alarms Budget Proposal (152 KB)
- Contract Efficiency Saving Budget Proposal (133 KB)
- Contract Management and Commissioning Budget Proposal (133 KB)
- Culture and Visitor Economy Budget Proposal (139 KB)
- Environment Enforcement Income Budget Proposal (135 KB)
- Europa Pools Budget Proposal (149 KB)
- Golf Courses Budget Proposal (140 KB)
- Hardship Fund Budget Proposal (133 KB)
- ICT Restructure Budget Proposal (132 KB)
- Modernisation of Childrens Services Budget Proposal (132 KB)
- Neighbourhood Services Budget Proposal (140 KB)
- OSS Budget Proposal (134 KB)
- Parks and Grass Verge Maintenance Budget Proposal (158 KB)
- PMO Budget Proposal (133 KB)
- Review of Revenues and Benefits Budget Proposal (133 KB)
- Royden Park Development Budget Proposal (137 KB)
- School Crossing Patrols Budget Proposal (142 KB)
- Traded Services Budget Proposal (134 KB)
- WAG Closure 2021-22 Budget Proposal (141 KB)
- Ward Member Budgets Budget Proposal (135 KB)
- Wirral Evolutions Budget Proposal (147 KB)
- Woodchurch Budget Proposal (143 KB)
- Youth Provision Budget Proposal (150 KB)