Decision details
Climate Change Annual Report and Action Plan 2016
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Annual summary of progress to implement the
climate change strategy for Wirral. The report documents the
activities of the Wirral Climate Group. It introduces the second
annual progress report and an updated action plan in support of the
strategy for endorsement. It invites Cabinet to sign the Paris
Pledge for Action
Councillor Bernie Mooney, Cabinet Member – Environment, said:
“Action on climate change matters. There needs to be action at all levels from global to local, and from all quarters – at home, at work, and in our communities.
An historic international agreement was reached in Paris last year. It seems fitting to affirm our support for this agreement as we take stock of local progress and set out further actions. These actions will help to both limit climate related pollution from Wirral and better adapt Wirral to current and future climate impacts. We can all play a part in rising to the challenge of climate change and we all need to do so”.
Councillor Bernie Mooney introduced a report that provided the latest annual update on climate change activity in Wirral which had been requested by the Cabinet. The report provided an overview of the new UN Paris Agreement on Climate Change and introduced the Paris Pledge for Action – an initiative through which organisations could confirm their support for the new UN framework. It documented the activities of the Wirral Climate Group, introduced the Group’s second annual progress report on the Wirral climate change strategy 2014 - 19, and the latest version of the “rolling” action plan to advance the strategy’s implementation.
The Cabinet noted that climate strategy supported the delivery of 17 of the 20 pledges in the Wirral Plan.
Appended to the report was:
Appendix 1 The Paris Pledge for Action
Appendix 2 Wirral Climate Change Strategy 2014 – 2019 2nd Annual Progress Report July 2016
Appendix 3 Climate Change Strategy Action Plan, August 2016 version
Councillor Mooney informed that school children were being persuaded to look after their environment and a Wirral School had been nominated for a national award for the environmental work it carried out with its pupils.
Councillor George Davies proposed that the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan be considered by the Cabinet on an annual basis so that Members could keep abreast of progress being made.
(1) the second annual progress report on the climate strategy and the latest version of the rolling action plan be noted, endorsed and used to fulfil the Council’s commitments to public reporting;
(2) Wirral Council will sign the Paris Pledge for Action in support of the UN Paris Agreement on Climate Change; and
(3) the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan be presented to the Cabinet on an annual basis so that Members can be updated on progress.
Report author: Bryan Lipscombe
Publication date: 16/11/2016
Date of decision: 07/11/2016
Decided at meeting: 07/11/2016 - Cabinet
Effective from: 24/11/2016
Accompanying Documents: