Decision details

Direct Contract Award – Supported Housing for Homeless Young Mothers aged 18-25

Decision Maker: Assistant Director: Housing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Assistant Director Housing Services has decided to award the contract for Direct Contract Award – Supported Housing for Homeless Young Mothers 18-25 by way of a direct award for a 12 month term with a contract value of £167,070.72.

Reasons for the decision:

The Council has a duty to assess and accommodate if there is reason to believe an individual is homeless, eligible for assistance and in priority need. Those in priority need include households with children, or pregnant households.
Supported housing assists people to develop the skills they need to live independently and forms a crucial pathway for people, preventing homelessness and promoting independence. It significantly reduces levels of repeat homelessness and tenancy failure, thereby generating financial savings across several budget streams.
Following a competitive procurement exercise undertaken in 2019, Magenta Living are, currently, the commissioned provider of a supported housing scheme for young mothers. The current contract is due to expire on the 31st July 2024.
The service delivered by Magenta Living in its “Our House” scheme provides accommodation and support for up to 10 young parents at any one time.
The direct award of a further 12-month contract to Magenta Living will:
•Ensure that the Council can continue to comply with its obligations under Part VII of the Housing Act, 1996.
•Allow for the completion of a strategic review of the provision of supported housing for young people, that will make recommendations regarding the future delivery of these services.
•Allow for the undertaking of both appropriate market testing and a competitive procurement exercise, informed by the strategic review mentioned above.
The new contract will commence from 1st August 2024, and will end on the 31st July 2025. The value of this contract is £167,070.72.

Alternative options considered:

The alternatives to directly awarding a 12-month contract to Magenta Living are:
1.Allow the current contract to naturally expire and not recommission. This is discounted as this would leave the council without a key contributing resource to meet its obligations under Housing Law.
2.Begin a competitive procurement exercise immediately without completing a soft-market test or concluding the Strategic Review of Supported Housing for Young People. This is discounted as the conclusion of the Review will ensure that all future commissioning activity is strategically relevant and based on a robust assessment of future need.

Publication date: 30/07/2024

Date of decision: 25/07/2024