Decision details
Mobile Classrooms at Hayfield School – Extension of the hire contract for a further 12 months.
Decision Maker: Assistant Director: Property & Regeneration Investment
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Assistant Director of Regeneration agreed to approve the option to extend the contract for the hire of two mobile classrooms at Hayfield School from Portakabin Ltd for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) pupil places with effect from 3rd November 2024 in the total sum of £92,924.00 for a period of 52 weeks.
Reasons for the decision:
A request from the
Assistant Director of Education was received to use the option to
extend the original contract dated 2nd September 2022 made between
Wirral Borough Council (1) and Portakabin Ltd (the Contract) for
the hire of the 2 portacabins.. The previous Officer Decision
Notice, published on 10th August 2022, did not refer to the option
to extend in the Contract , nor did it detail the cost of the
extension in the total cost of the Contract.
The Contract is being extended by a further 52 weeks in order to
continue to provide temporary accommodation for SEND pupil places
at Hayfield School.
Although the value of the extension is less than £100,000 and
of this an officer decision note is not required, this decision is
being published in order to ensure transparent in the
decision-making process.
The hire cost for the extension period is based on the costs
submitted by the supplier in the Contract .
Alternative options considered:
A range of options
across the school estate has been explored to identify where
additional SEND capacity could be added, this has included
additional SEND bases in mainstream schools, internal alterations
at school sites and traditional build solutions.
A permanent solution was considered however, this was not viable
due to both the tight timescales and estimated construction costs
of the whole project including enabling works.
The purchase of the Mobile Classrooms rather than of the hire of
temporary accommodation was considered however, the costs
associated with the preliminary costs, site clearance, formation of
new playground and pathways, drainage etc were the most significant
cost within the project and would have to be undertaken if the
structure was permanent, hired or purchased.
Out of borough solutions to place pupils with SEND are often not
appropriate and have significant financial implications. The
project option presented equates to
£18,750 per pupil whilst to educate out of Borough would be
an additional £50,000 per pupil.
Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:
The decision has been taken under Part 3 Section C - Overview and Scheme of Delegations of Authority to Officers as the decision is not reserved to a Committee or Sub-Committee and the Director is satisfied that paragraphs 2(a) to 2(c) apply.
Background Papers
Officer Decision Notice Decision
Publication date: 28/08/2024
Date of decision: 16/08/2024