Decision details
Contract Award: Project Management - Birkenhead to Liscard LCWIP project
Decision Maker: Director of Regeneration and Place
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To approve the award of a contract to Stantec
UK Ltd for the supply of a Project Manager. The initial contract
value is £33,743k for a 3 month period to the 30 September
2024 and should further funding be secured a further contract to 31
March 2025 will be awarded to Stantec.
Reasons for the decision:
A Project Manager resource is necessary to
support the next stage of the Birkenhead to Liscard Local Cycling
& Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) Project.
The ESPO framework offers a compliant direct route to market under
the Council’s Contract Procurement Rules and the Public
Contracts Regulations 2015. This option presents the least risk to
the council.
Previous contracts for Project Management (PM) support have been
awarded to Stantec which will now exceed £100k therefore this
approval is needed to support this 3 month contract award.
There is a considerable value for money justification in
commissioning Stantec to provide PM support as they are able to
capitalise on momentum from their previous involvement and have
developed good relationships with stakeholders. A deviation from
using Stantec on this programme would result in lengthy delays, an
increase in cost and a loss of knowledge from the project
Grant funding has been provided to support this initial 3 month
appointment and should further funding be available to extend the
PM post to the end of post Stantec are best placed to provide that
Alternative options considered:
The resource needed for this role does not
currently exist in the Council’s current employment
The Council has in the past tried to advertise for short term
contract positions to fill the requirements and has been
An alternative PM could be sourced from a different supplier but
there would be a break in programme and lack of continuity.
Publication date: 19/09/2024
Date of decision: 19/09/2024