Decision details
Contract Award: Corporate Data Storage Support & Maintenance.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To approve the award of a contract for a
month term to European Electronique for the provision of a direct
NetApp Support Contract.
Reasons for the decision:
The current contract for the support and
maintenance of the NetApp corporate storage and compute ended on
30th April 2024. A procurement exercise has been completed in
accordance with Council Contract Procedure Rules. The new contract
will be in place on 7th May 2024. Cost £146,380.00
Alternative options considered:
We have tendered for the supply of a contract for Direct NetApp Support because they are the manufactures of the systems and provide all system maintenance updates, remote monitoring of the systems and all call resolutions. The tendering process enabled the resellers of the above to compete.
Background Papers
Appendix 1 Pricing Schedule 20240416
Conflict of Interest Tender Evaluation CLD 20240503RM6098-Framework-Schedule-6-Order-Form-Template-and-Call-Off-Schedules-v2.0
20240508 - Successful NetApp 2024WBC
Further Comp TEMPLATE bidder response doc v1 IT ONLY
Pricing only 20240412 - Final (1)
WBC Further Competition Information to Bidders 20240415 – Final
Publication date: 17/05/2024
Date of decision: 07/05/2024
Accompanying Documents: