Decision details
Short Breaks for Disabled Children
Decision Maker: Director of Children, Families and Education
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Director for Children, Families and
Education has decided to re-commission the Short Breaks contract
for a 2-year term with the option of 2x one year extensions,
starting on 1st January 2025 utilising the existing budget of
£120,000 per year, and adopting an alternative service model
which ensures that the short breaks service reaches more children
and families, and provides greater value for money, and prevents
potential crisis and family breakdown.
Reasons for the decision:
The Council has a statutory duty to deliver a
Short Breaks offer, as per Section 25 of the Children and Young
Person’s Act, for children and young people between 0-25 who
have special educational needs and/or disabilities. Short breaks
provide children, young people, and their families with
opportunities to enjoy extra-curricular activities, respite and
space to develop skills beyond their everyday school and home
contexts. They aim to strengthen student resilience and family
capacity, therefore de-escalating the interventions that might be
required for pupils at risk of moving from mainstream to specialist
settings, or into care.
(SEND & Alternative Provision Improvement Plan – March
In Wirral, the Short Breaks model has remained largely the same
since 2017, despite the recommendations that were made following
the Short Breaks review which took place in 2019. Findings from the
review, and feedback from parents/carers, professionals and from
young people themselves, indicate that Short Break services in
Wirral are not reaching enough children, and that those who need
the service the most are not able to access it.
Currently, two external providers are commissioned to deliver Short
Breaks across Wirral, however these contracts are due to end on
31st December 2024, with no further options to extend.
As of July 2024, 34.4% of children and young people open to social
care have SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities). Of
the 766 children who are currently looked after by the Local
Authority, 309 of these children have SEND (findings from Power
BI). If Short Break services were more accessible in Wirral and
reached more of the children and young people who really need them,
it may result in the risk of family breakdown reducing, and fewer
children ending up in care.
The Children’s Commissioning Team are proposing a new model
for Short Breaks, which ensures that the service reaches more
children and families; both geographically and across the spectrum
of need, improves outcomes for children and families, and prevents
potential crisis and family breakdown.
Through dialogue with the Local Authority, we would like providers
to advise how they propose to deliver a Short Breaks service,
evidencing that they have worked in partnership with families in
Wirral. We are open to Short Breaks being delivered by a single
provider, multiple providers, or a group of providers working
Wirral’s All Age Disability Strategy 2024-2029 has been
coproduced with people across Wirral, including people with
disabilities, their parents and carers, practitioners,
commissioners, volunteers, and other people who work in health and
social care. The vision is that people of all ages with
disabilities can maximise their potential and live a full and
active life. The mission is to work together to realise
aspirations, improve access to opportunities and reduce barriers
for people of all ages with disabilities in Wirral over the next 5
Alternative options considered:
Continue to commission Short Breaks providers
using the current model, however this runs the risk of encountering
similar issues – i.e lack of availability, increased risk of
family breakdown, more reliance on Willowtree.
Publication date: 02/09/2024
Date of decision: 02/09/2024