Decision details
Highway Winter Service Arrangements 2024-25
Decision Maker: Director of Neighbourhood Services
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Director of Neighbourhood Services has approved the Highway Winter Service Operational Plan and agreed with the proposed dates for 2024-25 Winter season as follows:
Proposed start date: Monday 11 November 2024 08:00
End date: Monday 7 April 2025 (21 weeks) 08:00
Dry Run Training Day: Saturday 2 November 2024 08:30
This period may be brought forward or extended depending upon the prevailing weather conditions.
Reasons for the decision:
Responsibility for the delivery of an effective highway winter maintenance service rests with the council as the local Highway Authority for Wirral.
The Highway Winter Service Operational Plan (Appendix A to this ODN) sets out the proposed standards for the treatment of the borough’s highway network as a consequence of winter weather. It also sets out a framework of good practice within which the Council’s Winter Service provision is managed and takes into account the recommendations and advice set out in the national guidance: Well-managed Highway Infrastructure: Code of Practice (October 2016).
The co-ordination of works provided as part of the Winter Operational Plan enable the Council to meet its statutory duties under Section 41(1a) of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended) ‘ ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that safe passage along a highway is not endangered by snow or ice’.
Alternative options considered:
None considered as gritting the highway is a statutory duty.
Publication date: 11/11/2024
Date of decision: 09/10/2024
Accompanying Documents: