Issue - meetings
Review of Scrutiny Arrangements for Adult Social Care and Children's Services
Meeting: 15/05/2017 - Council (Item 12)
A recommendation from the Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee meeting of 26 April, 2017 on a review of scrutiny arrangements. (Minute and report attached, including a revised Calendar of Meetings).
Additional documents:
- Proposed Scrutiny Committee Structure 201718, 26/04/2017 Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee, item 12 PDF 90 KB
- Enc. 1 for Proposed Scrutiny Committee Structure 201718, 26/04/2017 Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee, item 12 PDF 70 KB
- Enc. 2 for Proposed Scrutiny Committee Structure 201718, 26/04/2017 Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee, item 12 PDF 56 KB
- Enc. 3 for Proposed Scrutiny Committee Structure 201718, 26/04/2017 Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee, item 12 PDF 51 KB
- Enc. 4 for Proposed Scrutiny Committee Structure 201718, 26/04/2017 Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee, item 12 PDF 59 KB
- Enc. 5 for Proposed Scrutiny Committee Structure 201718_v1, 26/04/2017 Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee, item 12 PDF 131 KB
- Amendment Item 12a, item 12 PDF 58 KB
The Council considered a recommendation from the Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee of 26 April, 2017 on a review of scrutiny arrangements.
It was moved by Councillor McLaughlin and seconded by Councillor Abbey that the recommendations of the Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee of 26 April, 2017 (minute 32 refers) be approved.
One amendment, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9), as follows:
Proposed by Councillor Phil Gilchrist
Seconded by Councillor Dave Mitchell
Add to Recommendation (4)
The Council welcomes the recommendation of the Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee to have separate Overview and Scrutiny Committees looking at Adults and Children’s Services independently. These new arrangements should now provide a greater insight into the issues raised by Ofsted.
In approving Recommendation 4, the Council wishes to ensure that the provision of relevant information should not just be referred to the most appropriate Overview and Scrutiny Committee but should be provided in a more timely manner. This includes the reporting of financial information which, because of the timing of the Cabinet and Committee meetings, can be several months out of date when it is considered by Overview and Scrutiny Committees.
The Council requests that all the Overview and Scrutiny Committees receives the latest available financial monitoring report at each Committee meeting, with an updated commentary on the achievement of savings and sources of income. Consideration should also be given to re-introducing the monthly financial statements provided to all Elected Members. By these means, the Council recognises that it should be better placed to manage Wirral's finances in the context of the Government's programme of grant reductions whilst seeking to ameliorate them.
Councillor McLaughlin stated that the Labour Group was happy to accept the Liberal Democrat Group amendment.
A vote was then taken on the amendment and it was carried (59:0) (One abstention).
The substantive motion, as amended was then put and it was carried (59:0) (One abstention)
Resolved (59:0) (One abstention) - That:
(1) the remit of the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee be divided to create two new Committees - Adult Care and Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee and Children and Families Overview & Scrutiny Committee;
(2) membership of the four Overview and Scrutiny Committees be set at 15 Elected Members on a ratio of 9, 5, 1 (note: existing education co-opted members be appointed to the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee);
(3) the impact on the political proportionalities arising from future changes to the membership of the revised Overview and Scrutiny Committee Structure be reviewed by the Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee as part of its 2017/18 Work Programme;
(4) relevant Financial and Performance Reporting relating to each Committee be provided. Council welcomes the recommendation of the Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee to have separate Overview and Scrutiny Committees looking at Adults and Children’s Services independently. These new arrangements should now provide a greater insight into the issues raised by Ofsted.
In approving recommendation (4), the ... view the full minutes text for item 12
Meeting: 26/04/2017 - Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee (Item 32)
32 Review of Scrutiny Arrangements for Adult Social Care and Children's Services PDF 90 KB
During the municipal year, the extensive scope of People Overview & Scrutiny Committee has been recognised by Members. This has resulted in a request from the Leader of the Council to divide the remit of the People Overview & Scrutiny Committee into two new Committees.
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Proposed Scrutiny Committee Structure 201718, item 32 PDF 70 KB
- Enc. 2 for Proposed Scrutiny Committee Structure 201718, item 32 PDF 56 KB
- Enc. 3 for Proposed Scrutiny Committee Structure 201718, item 32 PDF 51 KB
- Enc. 4 for Proposed Scrutiny Committee Structure 201718, item 32 PDF 59 KB
- Enc. 5 for Proposed Scrutiny Committee Structure 201718_v1, item 32 PDF 131 KB
The Chair introduced the report of the Assistant Director: Law & Governance (Monitoring Officer) that set out the proposal considered by the Standards and Constitutional Oversight Working Group on 19 April 2017 to divide the remit of the People Overview & Scrutiny Committee to create two new committees - one with a remit for adult social care and health and another with a remit for children and families. The report informed that the new committees would incorporate the functions, the pledges, supporting strategies and associated delivery areas of the People theme of the Wirral Plan.
The report further informed that the proposed names of these committees be:
· Adult Care and Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
· Children and Families Overview & Scrutiny Committee (note: the current education co-optees on the People O&S Committee to become members of the Children & Families O&S Committee).
The Chair reported to the Committee on a variety of issues that had been considered by the Working Group as detailed in the report. These included reporting arrangements, officer resources, dealing with cross-cutting themes and the impact on political proportionalities. The Chair further informed that subsequent to the meeting of the Working Group additional work had been undertaken to review the overall impact on political proportionality arising from the recommendation to reduce the size of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees from 15 to 11 Members, thereby reducing the total number of Committee places overall. The Working Group had not been aware of these implications to other Council Committees when it had made its recommendations.
Members noted that at the present time it would be appropriate to retain the Overview and Scrutiny Committee membership at 15 Elected Members (and existing arrangements for co-opted members). The Assistant Director: Law & Governance (Monitoring Officer) proposed that further detailed investigation into political proportionalities be undertaken by the Working Group as part of its 2017/18 Work Programme.
The Chair informed that retaining the Overview and Scrutiny membership at 15 Elected Members for all 4 Committees would enable as many Councillors as possible to be involved in the Scrutiny function. Members of the Committee concurred, stating the importance of effective Scrutiny and that it was sensible to maintain the larger pool of Scrutiny Members to draw from for Task and Finish Groups.
The Chair reiterated a number of additional points raised in the Working Group’s discussion namely the Special Responsibility Allowance to be paid to all Scrutiny Chairs (if applicable under the Members’ Allowance Scheme) and that Chairs / Vice-Chairs / Spokespersons would continue to meet on a regular basis to allocate scrutiny work that may cut across the responsibility of more than one Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
The Assistant Director: Law & Governance (Monitoring Officer) reminded Members that the Committee’s recommendations, including new Terms of Reference for the two new Overview and Scrutiny Committees, changes to the Constitution and amended Calendar of Meetings (as detailed in the report’s appendices), would be considered by Council.
(1) the remit of the People Overview and ... view the full minutes text for item 32