Issue - meetings
Financial Monitoring report Quarter 1 2017/18
Meeting: 19/09/2017 - Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 24)
24 Financial Monitoring report Quarter 1 2017/18 PDF 155 KB
Jenny Spick, Senior Manager, Financial Planning and Policy, introduced the report of the Assistant Director: Finance which set out the Council’s revenue and capital monitoring position for 2017/18 quarter 1. The report gave details of key issues within the business theme, progress on the implementation of savings and income and debt. There was a current projected overspend of £100,000 which would be balanced out by an underspend in treasury management.
Responding to a comment from a Member, David Armstrong referred to the shortfall in car parking income of £0.1 million which was due to delayed implementation of the increased tariffs and charging at country parks, the delay being due to the great level of scrutiny this matter had received.
Responding to a comment from a Member, Jenny Spick stated that the £225,000 in the capital programme for webcasting was the budgeted figure for the scheme at the moment.
Resolved – That the report be noted.