Issue - meetings

Business Overview & Scrutiny Work Programme Update Report

Meeting: 19/09/2017 - Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 26)

26 Business Overview & Scrutiny Work Programme Update Report pdf icon PDF 88 KB

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The Committee considered a report from the Chair which explained the process of developing a scrutiny work programme for the new municipal year. A dedicated work programme planning session had taken place on Monday 4 September for the Chair and Party Spokespersons of the committee to consider future items for the work programme.


The Chair suggested that in connection with receipt of an annotated version of the Road Safety Manager’s report, from Ian Campbell, Chair of the Wirral Pedestrian Association, pre-decision scrutiny should be undertaken on the Road Safety Strategy. Further items added to the work programme included:


·  Pre-decision scrutiny on the Commercial Strategy

·  Universal Credit, and;

·  Further briefing sessions on Wirral Waters.


Councillor Ian Lewis, at this point, declared a personal interest as he attended meetings of the Wirral Pedestrian Association. Councillor Lewis also reported that he had attended meetings with Councillors Tony Norbury and Paul Stuart and the Manager of Job Centre Plus, Deborah Veevers, who had offered to attend a meeting with the Committee.


Resolved – That the suggestions made be incorporated into the Committee’s work programme.