Issue - meetings


Meeting: 05/12/2023 - Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee (Item 58)

58 Wirral Parking Strategy pdf icon PDF 269 KB

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The Lead Commissioner for strategic transport and technology introduced the report of the Director of Regeneration and Place which sought approval for the adoption of a parking strategy proposed to cover public on and off-street parking in Wirral.


Members were reminded that on 19 June 2023 a report was presented to committee detailing work which had been undertaken to support the development of the parking strategy, including surveys and modelling forecasts, reviews of research and best practice from other authorities. The report also provided details of Phase 1 public and stakeholder consultation.


This earlier work, along with the feedback from a second Phase of public and stakeholder consultation, undertaken between 7 August to 25 September 2023, had been used to produce a parking strategy with the aim that it will support the safe and efficient management of traffic, help the local economy and businesses, and contribute to addressing the Environment and Climate Emergency. The parking strategy was intended to provide a clear framework to manage on and off-street parking in Wirral within a wider context of sustainable economic growth and urban regeneration.


Members noted concerns about car parking charges for employees who may be on low wages, or who work in essential services. Whilst discussing the Parking Strategies to residents, Members queried how they should explain car parking charges. Officers explained that car parking services came with maintenance costs that needed to be covered. Also considered was the concept that paid for parking often means that shopping trips are consolidated, with more money being spent in retail. Free parking can also mean that people park to commute, with no money being spent locally.


Members also queried parking levies, and the Parking Code of Practice Act 2019, discussing the limitations and potential of levies as a way to reinvest in local transportation schemes. Members also asked for clarification on car parking written into Community Asset Transfers, notably Heswall Hall and were assured that these there were no car parks specified in the strategy, but that officers had been notified of limitations written into the lease. For the avoidance of doubt, it was confirmed that future policies deriving from the strategy would be bought back to committee for further decisions.


Resolved – That the parking strategy as set out in Appendix 1 be approved.