Issue - meetings
Schools Budget 2024-25
Meeting: 23/01/2024 - Wirral Schools Forum (Item 60)
60 Schools Budget 2024-25 PDF 413 KB
Asako Brown, Finance Manager, introduced a report which outlined the Schools Budget for 2024-25 so that Schools Forum could give their views on the proposals. The report described the financial changes to be considered by Schools Forum and Policy and Resources Committee. The proposed budget totalled £378.55m for Early Years, Maintained Schools, Academies, Colleges, and Providers for the financial year 2024-25.
The budget for 2024-25 was compiled from the base budget for 2023-24, approved by Council on 27th February 2023 and updated with the issues identified in the report. The total 2024-25 projected budget (Dedicated Schools Grant and council funded) was £378.55m.
The Chair noted that this was the first time that Members had been asked to approve a deficit budget and sought assurances that it was legal to do so. Officers assured him that it was. They noted that other authorities had done this before and that they felt it was better to set a realistic budget that acknowledged the deficit rather than setting an unrealistic budget that wouldn’t be achieved in reality. They noted that Wirral’s Section 151 officer was happy with this approach.
The Chair noted the officers’ comments and stated that he had concerns about the amount of deficit they would be agreeing. He noted that schools would have to do everything in their powers to mitigate it as they were setting themselves up for a burden that they would have to deal with for a number of years. He noted that he wished for his personal concerns regarding this budget to be recorded and other Members agreed. He also noted that the Forum was only just quorate, with the minimum number of members in attendance to make it so.
Resolved (6:0:1) – That:
1. In accordance with ESFA guidelines, the reduced Contributions to Combined Budgets of £0.429m in 2024-25 for:
· School Improvement
· Local Safeguarding Children’s Board
· School Intervention
· PFI Support
· Looked after Children Education Services
· Business Rates, and
· Governors Forum
Be approved; and
2. The Schools Budget and views of the Schools Forum be referred to the budget meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee on 13th February 2024.