Issue - meetings
Hind Street - Master Development Agreement
Meeting: 02/10/2024 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 40)
40 Hind Street - Master Development Agreement PDF 129 KB
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- Enc. 1 for Hind Street - Master Development Agreement
- Webcast for Hind Street - Master Development Agreement
The Interim Director of Regeneration and Place presented the report which detailed the Hind Street Urban Village project and the proposed development of around 1,500 new homes over the next 10 to 15 years. The report sought the Committee’s endorsement of the finalised provisions of the long-term Master Development Agreement with Ion Property Developments Ltd and provided an update as to the strategy to mitigate the risks of a direct award approach.
The Director reported that the ambitious and transformational project would effectively create a new community adjacent to the town centre. The proposed development was a model of urban living, well connected to Liverpool City Centre through the proximity of Birkenhead Central and Green Lane Station, and provided quality open spaces, public realm and active travel routes. The development was expected to attract existing Wirral residents looking for a modern housing offer and a different lifestyle, afforded by the proximity of Hind Street to so many local and city centre facilities, along with new residents from outside the borough.
This was considered as a landmark scheme for the Council and fundamental to the delivery of the Council’s brownfield-first Local Plan. The Council submitted a Full Business Case (FBC) for Hind Street South (the area south of Hind Street) on 9th July 2024, requesting £50.1 million of funding from Homes England (HE) and Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA).
This funding unlocked the initial phases in the south of the site, for which planning permission is sought for 633 homes. The future phases in the North of the site comprised of additional new homes, a new school and linkages to the town centre facilitated by the demolition of the Mersey Tunnel flyovers. It was proposed that the comprehensive development of this complex regeneration project would be delivered by way of a direct award of a Master Development Agreement (MDA) to Ion Property Developments Ltd (Ion).
Members commented during the debate that they were pleased that the project was progressing.
Resolved – That the Director of Law and Corporate Services be authorised to enter into Master Development Agreement for Hind Street Urban Village with Ion Property Developments Ltd on the legal, financial and risk basis outlined in the exempt Appendix 1 of the report.