Issue - meetings
Meeting: 02/10/2024 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 36)
36 Fair Tax Update and Accreditation PDF 152 KB
Additional documents:
The Director of Finance presented the report which provided an update on the Fair Tax Foundation objectives, funding and operating arrangements. It also provided details of Wirral Council’s tax arrangements specifically in relation to the fair tax foundation principles, and in so doing requested that Wirral become accredited by this organisation as a - UK Fair Tax Council. Members were informed that the report supported the objectives of the Council Plan and had no adverse financial impact to Council Finances.
Members thanked officers for their report, noting that it has been requested by Council in March 2023 and that local authorities have an important part to play in regard to fair taxation.
Resolved – That,
1. the report be noted;
2. the statement as detailed in paragraph’s 3.11 to 3.17 of the report be adopted and submitted to the Fair Tax Foundation for Wirral to be designated a Fair Tax Council; and
3. that a statement be published on the Council website declaring Wirral’s commitment to Fair Tax and the stated principles as detailed in paragraph 3.18 of the report.