Issue - meetings
Meeting: 02/10/2024 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 37)
37 Council Plan Performance Report Quarter 1 PDF 122 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for COUNCIL PLAN PERFORMANCE REPORT QUARTER 1 2024-25, item 37 PDF 339 KB
- Webcast for Council Plan Performance Report Quarter 1
The Head of Corporate Office presented the report of the Director of Law and Corporate Services. This report provided a quarterly performance report in relation to the Council Plan: Wirral Working Together 2023-27.
Following the approval of the Council Plan a performance management framework was developed through working group activity with members from all Policy Committees and Policy and Resources Committee between February and April 2024. A reporting approach was approved providing quarterly reporting on the measures identified in the framework. Each Policy Committee received a report related to their key theme, for Policy and Resources Committee this was the ‘Efficient, effective and accessible council’ theme.
Members considered the inclusion of key risks within the report and noted that risk workshops were being scheduled for each of the Policy and Service Committees. Members discussed the accessibility of the Council, especially relating to data on call centre wait times and numbers of calls terminated by the service user. Members further requested more information on the usage of One Stop Shop booths. In addition, the inclusion of ombudsmen data in the report was discussed, with a request to include the tactual numbers of ombudsmen inquiries rather than just the percentages of enquiries that were upheld.
Resolved – that the report be noted.