Issue - meetings
Annual Workforce Monitoring report 2023/24
Meeting: 06/11/2024 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 51)
51 Annual Workforce Monitoring report 2023/24 PDF 122 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Workforce Equality report 2023/24, item 51 PDF 2 MB
- Webcast for Annual Workforce Monitoring report 2023/24
The Assistant Director: People and Organisational Culture presented the report of the Director of Law and Corporate Services.
The report provided Policy and Resources Committee with the annual Workforce Equality Report for 2023/24. In addition, it also provided the committee with an update in relation to actions outlined in the action plan in terms of progress made since last year for information. This report covered all Wirral wards and was an integral part of Wirral Plan’s inequalities agenda.
Members commented on the gender split in workforce, noting that the split at manager and senior manager levels was better than a lot of organisations. Also discussed was absence management and the Carers Passport which Members noted was a valuable resource available to staff.
Resolved – that,
1. of the annual Workforce Equality report be published to meet the legal requirements under the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) 2011,
2. position in relation to workforce equality performance and the progress made by the Council in relation to producing, analysing and publishing workforce data be noted.