Issue - meetings

Dock Branch Line - Acquisition

Meeting: 06/11/2024 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 58)

58 Dock Branch Line - Acquisition pdf icon PDF 138 KB

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The Director of Regeneration and Place introduced a report, which stated that the Council had been developing its regeneration strategy for Wirral Left Bank for a number of years. Birkenhead 2040 was endorsed by this committee as the interim Regeneration strategy for Wirral in March 2022. Within this framework Dock Branch Park was identified as one of the catalyst projects. Dock Branch Project aimed to transform the historic Dock Branch rail corridor into a vibrant public space, connecting key areas of Birkenhead by providing a safe and accessible link for cyclists and pedestrians from Hind Street to Wirral Waters and unlock adjacent development potential in the area. This report recommended a proposal in relation to the Council acquiring Dock Branch line from Network Rail. The proposal was for the Council to acquire the north and south sections in two separate transactions, with the acquisition of the southern section progressing first to enable the Hind Street Urban Village project to be delivered. This approach had been recommended to safeguard the Council from taking on potentially significant financial liabilities associated with the structures in the northern section of the line. The Wirral Plan 2021 – 2026 set out the Council’s vision to secure the best possible future for our residents, defined by the community prosperity we create and supported by our excellent people and services.


Members noted that if the Council did not acquire Dock Branch line, it would be unable to deliver the Hind Street Urban Village project. Also considered was the ongoing maintenance costs of the project and Members were informed that  stewardship costs had been part of the preparation of the full business case.




Resolved – That the Director of Regeneration and place be authorised (in consultation with the Chair and Spokespersons of Policy & Resources Committee) to acquire Dock Branch line from Network Rail as set out in the report considered by the Economy Regeneration and Housing Committee (“the exempt report”) (Appendix B) either:


1. in two phases as detailed in paragraph 3.22 of the exempt report; or

2. if funding can be secured to address the liabilities referred to in paragraph 3.12 to 3.15 of the exempt report, in one transaction.