Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Wallasey Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Patrick Sebastian 0151 691 8424 

No. Item



Members are asked to consider whether they have any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or any other relevant interest in connection with any item(s) on this agenda and, if so, to declare them and state the nature of the interest.


Members are reminded that they should also declare whether they are subject to a party whip in connection with any item(s) to be considered and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of the whipping arrangement.


Members were asked to consider whether they had any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or any other relevant interest in connection with any item(s) on this agenda and, if so, to declare them and state the nature of the interest.


Members were reminded that they should also declare whether they were subject to a party whip in connection with any item(s) to be considered and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of the whipping arrangement.


The following interests were declared:



Nature of Declaration


Councillor Wendy Clements

General – Personal and Non Pecuniary - By virtue of her employment in an early years setting.

Took part in the discussions, remained in the meeting.

Councillor Angela Davies

General - Personal and pecuniary – by virtue of her employment with partner organisation, Cheshire and Wirral Partnership Trust.

Took part in the discussions, remained in the meeting.

Councillor Chris Meaden

General - Personal - by virtue of her daughter's employment within the CYPD.

Took part in the discussions, remained in the meeting.

Councillor Warren Ward

General – Personal - By virtue of his employment as an Engagement Coordinator.

Took part in the discussions, remained in the meeting.



MINUTES pdf icon PDF 130 KB

To approve the accuracy of the minutes of the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 1 February 2017 (attached), and to receive the minutes of the Children’s Sub Committee meeting held on 8 February (attached) and 8 March 2017 (to follow).

Additional documents:


A Member informed that Councillors C Meaden, T Johnson and W Smith had been in attendance at the Children Sub Committee meeting held on the 8 February 2017 and requested that the omission be rectified.


Resolved – That, subject to the above revision, the minutes of the last meeting of the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee, held on 1 February 2017, and the minutes of the Children Sub Committee meetings held on 8 February 2017 and 8 March 2017, be confirmed as a true record.


Order of Business


The Chair suggested, and it was agreed that item 8 on the agenda (Avoiding Admissions Scrutiny Review – follow up report) be considered after item 5 on the agenda (Wirral CCG – Outcomes from the Service Policy Review Consultation) given that visiting officers were in attendance.


Meeting of the Health and Care Performance Panel - 1 February pdf icon PDF 159 KB


The Chair introduced her report that provided feedback regarding the key issues arising from the meeting of the Health and Care Performance Panel held on 1 February 2017.


The report informed on a number of key points that included:


·  Domiciliary Care – Update

·  Intermediate Care – Update

·  Future Arrangements and Work Programme for the Panel

·  Summary of Actions Arising from the Meeting


There were no specific recommendations arising to be made to the People Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


Resolved – That the report be noted.


Adults Safeguarding Annual Report pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Mr Simon Garner, Lead Commissioner - All Age Independence presented information on the work of the Wirral Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board.


Mr Garner informed that the Wirral Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board (SAPB) is a multi-agency partnership that leads the development of safeguarding adults work in Wirral. The Main purpose of the Board being to safeguard adults who are aged 18 and over with care & support needs who are experiencing, or may be at risk of experiencing, abuse and / or neglect and are unable to protect themselves.


Members were apprised that the Wirral Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board seeks to ensure that adults with care and support needs in Wirral are able to live free from the fear of abuse, neglect, harm and exploitation and that the Board was committed to developing a culture of positive learning and best practice across agencies and promote engagement with the wider communities of Wirral.


Mr Garner set out the legal framework  and provided an explanation of how, through the work of sub groups the Board to produce an annual strategic plan, produce an annual report and undertake safeguarding adult reviews - utilising Board representation from a wide range of partners including the main statutory agencies i.e. Health Organisations, the Police, Housing and the Independent and Voluntary Sector, Probation and the Fire service. He further advised the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee on future plans for a Combined Safeguarding Board that would encompass membership from Wirral, Knowsley, Sefton and Liverpool Local Authorities. Members noted that an inaugural board meeting of the Combined Safeguarding Board was scheduled for 24 April 2017.


Members questioned the Lead Commissioner - All Age Independence on a number of key points regarding the Combined Safeguarding Board’s membership, lead councillors, administration and arrangements for local scrutiny. The Director for Health and Care informed that the combined arrangements would provide opportunities for learning and reviewing best practice across the four authorities involved. Members noted that it was the personal choice of St Helens and Halton Councils to opt out, preferring to work apart from the new arrangement at this time.


Returning to the report, the Chair highlighted that the perpetrators of abuse appeared to have changed from previous years, with the likelihood of abuse now being greater for those in a care home setting than their own home. The Chair questioned whether this was a real shift or the result of a change in information gathering and or raised awareness. The Director for Health and Care stated that this was partly as a result of greater transparency regarding the monitoring of care homes. Members agreed that this matter be a topic for consideration and review by the Health and Care Panel.


In addition members commented on the ambiguity of the terms substantiated and partially substantiated. It was clarified that the terms for recording outcomes need to be reviewed in the light of the latest statutory guidance (February 2017).


Members were assured that local data would still be available for scrutiny but within  ...  view the full minutes text for item 52.


Wirral CCG - Outcomes from the Service Policy Review Consultation pdf icon PDF 128 KB


Ms Nesta Hawker, Director of Commissioning, Wirral CCG introduced her report that described the process followed during the recent service policy review. The report also described the outcomes of the review which had resulted in changes to the criteria for access to particular services.


The Chair informed the Committee that the CCG had informally highlighted that “there was nothing too contentious aside from the proposal for IVF which reduces the current 3 cycles previously commissioned to 2 cycles now. NICE recommends 3 cycles however the majority of CCGs in the country commission just 1 cycle”.


The Director of Commissioning informed the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee that Wirral CCG had held a full 90 day public consultation relating to proposed service changes across a number of different specialties and that the process had been undertaken in collaboration with the Cheshire CCG’s (Eastern Cheshire, South Cheshire and Vale Royal and Western Cheshire). Wirral CCG had acted as the lead CCG for the review and consultation. 


The Director of Commissioning further informed that a paper had been presented to Wirral CCG’s Governing Body on 7 February 2017 to consider each proposal in the context of clinical evidence of effectiveness, public and clinical feedback and national benchmarking. The Governing Body had reached a decision on each proposal, details of which were described within the report. 


Members noted that the CCG had taken into account feedback arising from a variety of engagement strategies throughout the consultation period; these included three public meetings, extraordinary meeting of the Patient Voice committee, clinical senate and a stakeholder group at Wirral Multicultural Organisation. It was also noted that the clinical effectiveness of certain procedures were also paramount in the proposals.


Following a series of Member’s questions regarding mental health considerations in respect of cosmetic procedures such as burns victims and cancer patients, and the consideration of BMI as part of access to other procedures, the Director of Commissioning explained that in some circumstances ‘Individual Funding Requests’ could be actioned, or the case for exceptions could be made based on the overall assessment of the patient’s welfare. The clinician would make the decision whether alternative options would serve the patient better. Members were apprised that resources were to be used to best effect, avoiding disadvantage. She explained that smoking and BMI would not be used as a factor in the assessment of an individual’s right to treatment, although advice would be given on lifestyle factors affecting an individual’s health and wellbeing.


Resolved - That


1)  the process undertaken to inform the review and consultation be noted;


2)  the decisions of the Governing Body made on 7 February 2017 be noted; and


3)  the next steps identified be noted.


Avoiding Admissions Scrutiny Review - follow up report pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Additional documents:


Ms Jacqui Evans, Assistant Director: Integrated Commissioning, Health and Care introduced her report that set out progress on the Avoiding Admissions scrutiny report approved by the People Overview & Scrutiny Committee in September 2016. The scrutiny review assessed the actions being taken to strengthen community based services that were intended to reduce the demand for acute services and thereby reduce hospital admissions. In September 2016, the report was referred to Cabinet and members also requested a report to provide a six monthly update regarding the implementation of the recommendations made in the original scrutiny report. An update on each recommendation was provided in the appendix.


The Assistant Director drew Members attention to a number of key areas in the summary of actions undertaken subsequent to the publication of the original report, namely:


Governance and funding. Wirral is to move to be an Accountable Care System by 2020 in line with national requirements. Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group, in conjunction with all partners were encouraged to continue to strengthen the culture of collaboration and partnership. AQUA had been engaged to support the Wirral system, particularly from a provider perspective – the focus is upon integrated care delivery moving from an integrated care system to an accountable care organisation. The AQUA programme was using Older People’s services to test out a future integrated model that builds up from local communities to develop 8 localities, feeding in to 4 hubs (constituency boundaries) and 1 district (Wirral). The approach will be tested through the development of 2 locality areas within the Birkenhead constituency built around 2 groups of GP practices


Service quality and a person-centred approach for community services. The Director of Adult Social Services and Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group, as commissioners of community services, are requested to ensure that adequate system capacity, service quality and a person-centred approach are embedded within all such contracts. Recent developments, in line with national best practise evidence, such as discharge to assess /home first models are currently piloted. A multidisciplinary team is supporting and overseeing these pilots and a fortnightly governance meeting is in place to review & evaluate. This is supported by commissioners & providers across the Wirral Health & Social Care economy. Winter pressures have been significant & unprecedented. Evaluation & work on future capacity modelling is underway. ECIP (Emergency Care Improvement Team) have been supporting the direction of transformational change. Wirral CCG & WBC are investing in 2017/18 funding in ‘home first’ provision. Pressures have been felt across certain sectors of the market during 2016/17, i.e. domiciliary care. Significant support has gone into stabilising the market and as such whole economy discussions are underway to explore future models of delivery which are sustainable


Members asked if there were challenges in achieving the targets for reducing admissions. The Assistant Director: Integrated Commissioning, Health and Care informed that the Better Care Fund continued to invest in preventative services, to support the prevention of admissions to hospital & long stay care and that overall this had currently achieved a 4.2% reduction in admissions with a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 54.


2016/17 Quarter 3 Wirral Plan Performance - People Theme pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Director for Strategy introduced her report that provided the 2016/17 Quarter 3 (October – December 2016) performance report for Wirral Plan pledges under the People theme. The report, which was included as Appendix 1, provided a description of the progress in Quarter 3 as well as providing available data in relation to a range of outcome indicators and supporting measures. 


The report also included further performance information that had been requested by Members to enable effective scrutiny. The Adult Social Service Performance Overview was included as Appendix 2 and included a range of key indicators highlighting Wirral’s performance against North West average values where available.


Resolved – That the report be noted.


Financial Monitoring 2016/17 Quarter 3 pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Additional documents:


The Senior Manager Finance introduced the regular report of the Assistant Director: Finance and Section 151 Officer that set out the projected revenue and capital monitoring position for 2016/17 as at the close of quarter 3 (31 December 2016).


The People Overview and Scrutiny Committee were informed that the quarter 3 revenue forecast was an overall underspend of £0.4 million for the year (£0.2 million underspend was forecast at quarter 2). People (former Families and Wellbeing areas) had a significant forecast overspend which had been offset by largely one-off savings within Business Services Treasury Management.


Members were further informed that the quarter 3 capital report detailed the updated capital programme and reflected the significant re-profiling of schemes between years to reduce the 2016/17 capital programme to £30.7 million. Expenditure after the third quarter concluded was £16.4 million.


Resolved – That the report and appendices be noted.


Health and Social Care Integration - Progress

Verbal update.


Mr Graham Hodkinson, Director for Health and Care provided a verbal update on progress in respect of the integration of Health and Social Care Services on the Wirral.


The Director of Health and Care informed of the two elements of health and care integration - the direct delivery of social care statutory assessment and support functions, and secondly the planning, funding and commissioning arrangements for health and care.


He further informed that Cabinet approval was being sought on 27 March for the commissioning of specific delegated functions through the formation of an integrated health and social care assessment and support planning service for older people and adults. In addition, in relation to commissioning, permission was to be sought for progression of the development of a single commissioning hub with the CCG. It was also sought for the commission of a due diligence exercise to fully understand the potential benefits and risks of pooling resources with the NHS.


The People Overview and Scrutiny Committee were apprised that Social Care Services play a vital role in enabling vulnerable people to maintain independence and keep well in Wirral. The cost of adult social care was, however, significant and did not operate in isolation. The inter-dependency between health and care systems had become increasingly clear over recent years. Nationally, Councils were faced with increasing demand on social care services that presented as a challenge to meet within the available resources. Local Authorities and NHS providers were increasingly working to integrate social care and health services locally to provide both sustainability and a better experience for people who use those services.


This key proposal was to integrate the statutory frontline assessment and support planning processes in order to contribute to meeting the challenges of growth and demand, and provide an improved service for local residents. The integrated front line service planned to deliver the assessment and support function for older people and adults on behalf of the Council under a contractual arrangement. The proposal was that this service will be provided by the NHS Wirral Community Foundation Trust (WCFT) who administer and provide community health services in Wirral. This would involve the transfer of social care staff to the NHS in order to provide joined up seamless health and social care delivery services for older people and adults. A separate proposal for an all age disability, and all age mental health integrated service was planned for 2018.


In addition, a further proposal to create an integrated commissioner for health and care on Wirral was planned. This would enable services to be commissioned through a single organisation fulfilling the statutory health and care functions of the Council and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). It would also enable strategic outcomes to be effectively delivered through a single planning framework and structure. The single commissioner initiative would enable the health and care system to use Wirral’s resources together to jointly create a sustainable health and care system. Commissioning would also provide system leadership and focus on outcomes for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 57.




Ms Fiona Johnstone, Director of Health and Well Being introduced her report that provided an update on the Improving Life Chances (ILC) Strategy to date. The Strategy, a 5-year partnership document, published in March 2016 articulated the ambition of the Wirral Plan People Pledge  to ‘Reduce child and family poverty’,


The Chair also welcomed Ms Bev Morgan, Chief Executive of Home Start (Wirral) and Ms Jo Burrell, Constituency Manager, Birkenhead to the meeting.


The report informed that the Improving Life Chances Steering group is led by Bev Morgan, Chief Executive of Home Start (Wirral) and how organisations from the public, private, and voluntary sectors had been fully engaged and involved in shaping its development. Since publication, partners had worked together in new and innovative ways across Wirral to deliver the strategy.


The Director of Health and Well Being’s report provided an update to the Committee on the progress of the strategy to date.


Prior to consideration of the report the Chair invited the Constituency Manager, Birkenhead to deliver a presentation on recent ILC community projects. Members were informed that projects were delivered by a local partnership of residents, Councillors, community groups and agencies who meet every six weeks. They develop and monitor a joint action plan of events and activities, over one year that:


  • Improves life chances for children
  • Supports families to be financial resilient
  • Tackles the immediate impacts of poverty
  • Supports parent into sustainable employment


Ms Burrell further informed the Committee on a number of activities recently undertaken and information on funding, namely:


  • Christmas holiday food hamper project across each community pilot also extending into Rock Ferry and Central Birkenhead.
  • Partners delivered over 2000 hampers across all areas (retail value well over £30 each).
  • Levered in almost £7K already throughout the three areas and negotiated a good deal with Fareshare for surplus food, Magenta, His Church, Park hampers.
  • Promoted services through the inclusion of an info pack inside each hamper.
  • Galvanised partnership working. Information on: How to report on ASB, Crimestoppers contact information, Energy advice, Magenta news, Fairforyou, Credit Unions, School Uniform swaps etc.


The People Overview and Scrutiny Committee noted the planned ILC meetings for the week commencing 27 March that included plans for the joint delivery of summer activities that included:


  • Clearing of grotspots, partnership days and ‘in bloom’ projects
  • ASB sports sessions and youth sessions
  • Food projects – holiday food
  • Lifelong learning offer over summer
  • Work with fire service on chip pan fires
  • Involvement of ‘connectors’


Bev Morgan, Chief Executive of Home Start (Wirral) apprised the Committee on a number of issues relating to Child Poverty, and encouraged Members to access the ‘Childhood Poverty’ e-learning package available via the Council’s intranet.


The Chair thanked attendees for their reports and presentations, and stated that information on the training module would be circulated to all Members after the meeting. 


Resolved – That the report be noted.


Policy Inform pdf icon PDF 1 MB


The People Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered the March 2017 Policy Inform Briefing Paper that included an overview of ongoing and recent national legislation, potential implications for the Council, and emerging policies.


The Policy Inform Briefing Paper outlined the key features of the policies and legislation that had emerged from the Queen’s Speech 2016 and provided an update on the developments of recent legislation and highlights any emerging implications. The Policy Inform briefing also alluded to any potential implications for Wirral Council.


Resolved - That the contents of the March 2017 Policy Briefing papers be noted.


Membership of Children's Sub Committee

To agree changes to the Children’s Sub Committee membership.


The Chair introduced the item and informed that Councillor Wendy Clements was withdrawing from the Children Sub Committee and that her replacement would be Councillor David Burgess-Joyce.


She informed that the current membership of the Children Sub Committee expired at the end of the municipal year and that the membership for the Sub Committee in the new year would nominated by the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 28 June 2017.


In order to allow meetings of the Children Sub Committee to be held between April and June, if required, it was suggested that Members agree that the current membership of the Children Sub Committee continue until the first meeting of the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee in the 2017/18 municipal year.


Resolved – That


1)  Councillor David Burgess-Joyce be appointed to the Children Sub Committee in the place of Councillor Wendy Clements; and


2)  to allow meetings of the Sub Committee to take place between April and June if required, the appointment to run until 28 June.


People Overview & Scrutiny Committee - work programme update pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Additional documents:


The People Overview and Scrutiny Committee noted the report of the Chair that updated members on the current position regarding the Committee’s work programme as agreed for the 2016/17 Municipal Year.


The report provided an update regarding progress made since the last Committee meeting held on 1 February 2017. The current work programme being made up of a combination of scrutiny reviews, standing items and requested officer reports. The updated report provided the committee with an opportunity to plan and regularly review its work across the municipal year. The current work programme for the Committee was attached as an appendix to the report.


The report informed of key points to note, namely:


Community Pharmacies Scrutiny Review

Further to the approval of the Community Pharmacy scrutiny report by this Committee at its previous meeting held on 1 February, the report had been referred to the Health and Wellbeing Board (15 March) and to Cabinet (27 March). 


Budget Scrutiny 2017/18

The report from the Member’s budget workshop, held on 10 January 2017 and approved by the People Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 1 February, was referred to the Cabinet meeting held on 20 February. This was part of the process which led to the agreement of the 2017/18 budget at Council on 6 March 2017.


Respite Services Scrutiny Review

This review will assess users’ experiences of alternative respite provision following the decision to close Girtrell Court. Members of the task & finish group are Councillors Moira McLaughlin (chair), Angela Davies, Treena Johnson, Bruce Berry, David Burgess-Joyce and Alan Brighouse. A scoping meeting had been held and agreed the review should incorporate a series of site visits, focus groups and a questionnaire for carers and service users plus meetings with key officers. It was planned to report the findings of the review to the meeting of the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee scheduled for September 2017.


The Chair thanked Officers, Partner Organisations, Co-Opted Members and Elected Members for all their work and support over what had been an extremely busy year for the Committee.


Resolved – That the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee work programme and plans for its delivery, be noted.