Agenda item


Members of the Council are asked to consider whether they have any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or any other relevant interest, in connection with any matter to be debated or determined at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest.



The Civic Mayor referred to the recent passing of Rob Gregson, former Wirral Councillor, 2012-16, and the Council stood for a minute’s silence in tribute to his memory.


The Civic Mayor further informed that on 20 October 2017, ‘Show Racism the Red Card’, would be holding its third annual WEAR RED DAY. She had agreed in support of the National Campaign, that Councillor Tony Norbury would read a poem prior to the formal opening of the Council Meeting.


Councillor Norbury then read the poem ‘A Ritual to Read to Each Other’ by William E Stafford ©1998.


Procedural Matters


(1)  It was moved by Councillor RL Abbey and duly seconded, that - “Standing Order 9 (meeting guillotine) be applied from 9.00pm.”


Upon an amendment having been moved by Councillor Blakeley, duly seconded that “the meeting guillotine be applied from 09:15pm”, Councillor Abbey agreed to the revised timing, and the motion was then put and carried (58:0) (One abstention).


RESOLVED – That Standing Order 9 be applied from 9:15pm.


(2)  Prior to the calling of Members Declarations of Interest, The Interim Director of Law and Governance provided legal advice in relation to Agenda Item 11 B – Strategic Regeneration Framework – Cabinet decision – 2 October 2017 in relation to those Members appointed to the Planning Committee.


Declarations of Interest



Item No. and Nature of Declaration


Stuart Whittingham



Item No. 12 (i) – Notice of Motion (Minute No. 70 refers). Prejudicial – by virtue of him being an employee of Arriva (left the Chamber whilst the matter was considered and voted upon).


Janette Williamson



Item No. 12 (viii) – Notice of Motion (Minute No. 77 refers).Prejudicial – by virtue of her being an employee of DWP (left the Chamber whilst the matter was considered and voted upon).

Councillor Bernie Mooney

Item No. 6 – Cabinet Members’ Reports - Personal – by virtue of her employment.



Anita Leech

Item No. 12 (viii) – Notice of Motion (Minute No. 38 refers).Personal – by virtue of her being a member of the Prima Leasowe Community Homes Management Board.




Anita Leech

Item No. 11B – Strategic Regeneration Framework (Minute No. 64 refers).Personal – by virtue of her role on the LCR Scrutiny Panel (left the Chamber whilst the matter was considered and voted upon).



Warren Ward

Item No. 12 (viii) – Notices of Motion (Minute No. 77 refers). Personal – by virtue of him being an employee of the DWP (left the Chamber whilst the matter was considered and voted upon).


Steve Foulkes


Item No. 12 (viii) – Notices of Motion (Minute No. 77 refers). Personal – by virtue of him being a Member of the Magenta Living Board.


George Davies

Item No. 12 – Emergency Notice of Motion (Minute No. 69). Personal - by virtue of his previous employment at Vauxhall Motors.



Adrian Jones

Item No. 12 (viii) – Notice of Motion (Minute No. 77 refers). Personal – by virtue of him being a Member of the Leasowe Community Homes Management Board.





Dave Mitchell

Item No. 12 – Emergency Notice of Motion (Minute No. 69 refers) – Personal - by virtue of his previous employment at Vauxhall Motors.