Agenda item
Thorn Heys Respite Provision update
- Meeting of Partnerships Committee, Tuesday, 1st March 2022 6.00 p.m. (Item 41.)
- View the background to item 41.
A Report by the Head of Commissioning for Learning Disabilities and Autism, Wirral Health and Care Commissioning (WHCC) advised how Thorn Heys is a health service provided by Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CWP) for short breaks for adults with a learning disability.
The report informed Members how the model of care was established over 20 years ago and how due consideration was required to ensue that people’s needs continue to be appropriately met. It was explained how the service is currently commissioned by NHS Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), funding is part of a block contract with CWP. Members were then advised how the service is located on a site known as ‘ Ashton House’, located in Oxton Ward and owned and managed by CWP. The report provided an update on work to date including details of the consultation process that would begin in June 2022.
The report was presented by Simon Banks, Chief Officer, NHS Wirral CCG and Wirral Health and Care Commissioning (WHCC) who advised how during the last few years the WHCC, CCG and Wirral Local Authority had seen a reduction in the number of people and their families accessing the short breaks provision at Thorn Heys. He further advised how the service had been temporarily closed for an extended period during the Covid-19 pandemic where families were supported with alternative arrangements as required.
Members heard how Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CWP) had undertaken a joint needs assessment of the 13 families who use the service and the assessments resulted in the following outcomes:
· The majority of users of the existing short break service at CWP could access appropriate care and support through other existing social care provision (10 out of 13 families).
· There remain 3 individuals who would need oversight of, or interventions, by a trained nurse during the course of short break provision. These needs could be met by another short break service provided by another health care provider, subject to assessment of need and discussion with families.
The Chief Officer, NHS Wirral CCG and WHCC summarised how the needs of the 13 families could be met as follows:
· Service with a qualified nurse on site by another health care provider – 3 families
· Adult Social Care Short Break Service – provided by individually commissioned complex care respite services with the independent sector from a community care framework– 4 families
· Adult Social Care Short Break Service – Provided by commissioned adult disability short break services at Tollemache Road, Birkenhead. – 6 families.
In response to questions raised by Members the Chief Officer advised how it was currently unknown as to whether there would be a transferred cost to either parents or the service user and outcomes of the consultation will firstly be considered. Furthermore, Members were then advised how means testing is a local authority policy, NHS services are free from the start of delivery, it would depend on the outcomes of the consultation how this service will continue to be funded with regards to means testing. Members were advised how this is not a funding issue as the funding is available as it is part of the block contract, it is more about the appropriateness in care. If it remains as NHS provision there will be no cost, of it becomes Social Care it will be subject to LA regulation, if its joint that will have to be established.
In response to a further question, Members were informed that the consultation will start in June 22 and will run for 12 weeks, with a discussion and decision to take place in September 22. Members were advised that the consultation had been delayed due to pressures on the service mainly the Omicron variant of the Coronavirus disease earlier in the year, that compiled with the forthcoming local government election period meant that June was the earliest the consultation could begin.
A further question was put about budgets and it was explained how the monies that are pooled are within the budget arrangements with the LA under section 75 and forms part of a block contract. Members were informed how any investment in the Thorn Heyes site is the responsibility of the Cheshire/ Wirral partnerships and would have to be factored in. In response to a question about inspection of the service Members were advised how Cheshire/ Wirral partnerships had been subject to CQC inspections.
In response to a discussion on individual needs, Members were advised how regardless of the outcomes of the consultation individual needs of the 13 people affected would be assessed alongside a carers assessment to help identify what provision is needed.
Resolved – That the report be noted.
Supporting documents:
- Thorn Heys Respite Provision update Feb 2022 meeting - track changesnc, item 41. PDF 96 KB
- Appendix 1 - sheet 1, item 41. PDF 63 KB
- Appendix 1 - sheet 2, item 41. PDF 90 KB
- Appendix 1 - sheet 3, item 41. PDF 207 KB
- Appendix 1 - sheet 4, item 41. PDF 62 KB
- Appendix 1 - sheet 5, item 41. PDF 59 KB
- Appendix 2, item 41. PDF 163 KB