Agenda item
LGA Peer Review for Learning Disability and Autism
- Meeting of Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee, Tuesday, 15th October 2024 6.00 p.m. (Item 32.)
- View the background to item 32.
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The Head of Integrated Services presented the report of the Director of Adults, Health and Strategic Commissioning which provided a summary of the proposed system wide programme of change, and how it will be assessed and evaluated to make sure that investments were going into the things that will have the greatest impact and ensure the voices of the Wirral community were heard. In July 2024, Wirral, Cheshire East and Cheshire West and Chester Councils engaged in a piece of work commissioned by the National Health Service England and supported by the Local Government Association (LGA). The three Councils all had an NHS Provider in common with the Cheshire and Wirral NHS Partnership Trust. This review explored local social care and health provision for autistic people and people with a learning disability. The LGA wanted to know how as a system we were enabling people to live in an ordinary house, in an ordinary street with access to their own front door and to feel seen, heard and respected. It was reported that areas suggested by the LGA would inform the emerging programme of change to ensure that investments made as a system by the Council and ICB are targeted at the right areas.
A lack of shared governance to drive improvements was highlighted and there
will be a work stream of the All Age Disability Strategy which will be reported into the Cheshire and Merseyside Learning Disability and Autism Board.
It was highlighted that there could be advantages to experts working in partnership with other providers such as the domiciliary care market working with specialist providers which could create a different offer. It was noted that there was a real commitment to increasing paid employment and strong pathways were emerging. Another area of reflection in the report was a partnership group which would include practitioners such as social workers as they were often people closest to the person that is being assessed, people with lived experience, carers, providers and the ICB
It was recognised that Public Health data must underpin anything that the Council commissioned as without it health and social equity for people with disability and autistic people could not be secured.
The importance of supporting staff in the management of behaviours that put individuals at risk was highlighted.
Members asked about the development of the easy read and the development of autistic people and people with learning disabilities in the workforce.
A member question about the waiting times for children to be assessed for autism on the Wirral in relation to the rest of the country would be put to the SEND Improvement Board for a written response.
Resolved – That
1. The outcomes of the review undertaken by the LGA be noted.
2. The content of the strategic system wide plan in response to the review be noted and be assured that the voices of the Wirral community will be heard.
3. A report be agreed to be brought to a future committee demonstrating the impact the plan has had on the lives of people of all ages with a learning disability and/or are autistic.
4. The governance arrangements be noted.
Supporting documents:
- Local Governmenet Association Peer Review for Learning Disability and Autism, item 32. PDF 133 KB
- Appendix 1 - LGA peer review objectives, item 32. PDF 112 KB