Agenda item
Public Questions
Notice of question to be given in writing or by email by 12 noon, Monday 14 October to the Council’s Monitoring Officer via this link: Public Question Form and to be dealt with in accordance with Standing Order 10.
For more information on how your personal information will be used, please see this link: Document Data Protection Protocol for Public Speakers at Committees | Wirral Council
Please telephone the Committee Services Officer if you have not received an acknowledgement of your question by the deadline for submission.
The Chair confirmed that one public question had been received in advance of the meeting. He explained that the question had originally been intended for the meeting of the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee, however following discussions it had been agreed for the question to be addressed to this committee.
Charlotte Smith attended the committee meeting to ask a question on the fireworks display event that had been scheduled to be held on Hoylake Beach. She asked why this event had been cancelled and that she had had confirmation from the Chief Executive of Natural England that the management of Hoylake beach was the responsibility of the Council.
The Chair asked the Head of Legal Services to address the committee. She explained that as the question referenced fireworks, this fell under the terms of reference of the Tourism, Communities, Culture and Leisure Committee. It was officers within the Neighbourhoods directorate who advised members of the public wishing to hold events on public land. The fireworks display event was not an event organised by the Council, and officers had provided advice to the Hoylake Sailing Club, and the organisers had decided not to proceed. The Council was disappointed that this event would not be going ahead.
However, anything relating to Hoylake beach or beach management in general fell under the remit of the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee.
The Director of Neighbourhoods added that Natural England was right to say that the management of the beach was the responsibility of the Council. However, the beach was a site of specific scientific interest (SSSI) and the management of it had to comply with the relevant regulations and legislation. The officers were continuing discussions with the fireworks display event organisers to try and support the event going ahead, in a way that would be compliant with the requirements from Natural England.
Following comments in regard to the raking of West Kirby beach and whether this set a precedent for Hoylake, the Director explained that Natural England had given consent for limited raking on West Kirby beach, and that members of the ECET Committee continued to press for as much raking as possible.
Charlotte Smith asked a supplementary question, seeking clarification on the raking of slipways and stressed that the Council should ensure access to the beach under the Equalities Act 2010. She asked whether the council would apologise to residents, RNLI Hoylake and Hoylake Sailing Club in relation to the fireworks display event and the access issues.
The Chair apologised in relation to the fireworks display event, and asked officers in attendance for next steps.
The Director said that he was happy for colleagues to continue discussions with the sailing club to accommodate the fireworks event going ahead. However, in terms of beach management, he would not do anything without consent from Natural England, who had only allowed minimal raking on West Kirby beach. He agreed to take away the point on access to slipways to Natural England and see if they could get consent to clear the slipways but could not guarantee that they would consent.
Members and officers noted that the question was more appropriate under the terms of reference for the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee.
Following discussion, it was agreed that the substantive and supplementary question be referred to the next meeting of the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee.