Committee attendance Date range: Committee: Select a committee All Active Travel Forum Adult Social Care and Public H Audit and Risk Management Comm Charitable Trusts Sub-Committe Children Young People and Educ Constitution Constitution and Standards Com Corporate Parenting Panel Council Economy Regeneration & Housing Environment, Climate Emergency Finance Sub Committee Health and Wellbeing Board Joint Strategic Commissioning Joint Strategic Commissioning Licensing Act Committee Licensing Act Sub Committee Licensing Panel Local Pension Board Pensions Committee Planning Committee Policy and Resources Committee Regulatory and General Purpose Senior Officer and Appointment Shareholder Board SLT FOR KEY DECISION REPORTS Standards Panel Strategic Applications Sub Com Test Committee Tourism, Communities, Culture Wirral Place Based Partnership Wirral Schools Forum Youth and Play Service Advisor Council, 5 meetings Member Attendances Councillor Jerry Williams 5 Councillor Steve Foulkes 4 Councillor Phil Gilchrist 5 Councillor Jeff Green 5 Councillor Lesley Rennie 5 Councillor Stuart Kelly 5 Councillor Simon R Mountney 4 Councillor Ian Lewis 5 Councillor Andrew Hodson 4 Councillor Cherry Povall, JP 5 Councillor George Davies 5 Councillor Janette Williamson 3 Councillor Kathy Hodson 5 Councillor Sue Powell-Wilde 3 Councillor Chris Carubia 3 Councillor Pat Cleary 3 Councillor Angela Davies 5 Councillor Brian Kenny 5 Councillor Tony Jones 4 Councillor Paul Stuart 5 Councillor Julie McManus 3 Councillor Gillian Wood 2 Councillor Elizabeth Grey 2 Councillor Mary Jordan 5 Councillor Tony Cox 4 Councillor Andrew Gardner 3 Councillor Allan Brame 5 Councillor Jo Bird 3 Councillor Jean Robinson 2 Councillor Helen Cameron 5 Councillor Christopher Cooke 3 Councillor Jennifer Johnson 4 Councillor Jason Walsh - McDonald 3 Councillor Max Booth 5 Councillor Paul Martin 3 Councillor Harry Gorman 3 Councillor Daisy M Kenny 1 Councillor Judith Grier 5 Councillor Vida Wilson 3 Councillor Naomi Graham 2 Councillor Stephen Bennett 5 Councillor Amanda Onwuemene 3 Councillor James Stewart Laing 2 Councillor Ed Lamb 3 Councillor Ewan Tomeny 5 Councillor Ruth Molyneux 3 Councillor Kieran Murphy 3 Councillor Helen Raymond 5 Councillor Gail Jenkinson 4 Councillor Grahame McManus 3 Councillor Mark Skillicorn 2 Councillor Graham Davies 1 Councillor Paul Jobson 5 Councillor Louise Luxon-Kewley 5 Councillor Colin Baldwin 4 Councillor Gary Bennett 5 Councillor Mike Redfern 5 Councillor Ann Ainsworth 2 Councillor Richie Pitt 4 Councillor Mike Sullivan 5 Councillor Paula Basnett 2 Councillor Craig Walsh - McDonald 5 Councillor Tony Murphy 4 Councillor Tom Laing 5 Councillor Kaitlin Stuart 5 Councillor Brenda Hall 5 Councillor Graeme Cooper 2